Reality show Stand-up Comedy 2024 premieres on Tencent

The reality show, Stand-up Comedy 2024, which has invited more than 50 comedians from home and abroad to compete in rounds of stand-up shows, premiered on Tencent's video platform on Tuesday.
For its first round of competitions, the show has enlisted actress Zhang Yuqi, anchorwoman Lu Yu, singer-songwriter Zhang Wei, as well as anchormen Dou Wentao and Zhang Shaogang to serve as judges.
The show encourages all participants to draw inspiration from their personal experiences, crafting jokes and routines with meticulous insight that can resonate widely with the audience.
In addition to renowned comedians such as Xu Zhisheng, He Guangzhi and Hu Lan, who have made a name for themselves in past competitions, the new season has introduced a diverse group of new faces. This includes a philosophy graduate who humorously critiques their own employment situation, a British man sharing culture shocks encountered while living in China, a retired person reflecting on his relationships with his children and a rapper attempting to infuse hip-hop culture into comedy routines. Their varied life experiences and perspectives on life inject vitality and intrigue into this season's program.
"This season features a wide range of individuals with diverse lives and unique challenges. In today's world, our aim is to shift our focus to those around us, to show love toward specific individuals and appreciate the intricacies of their lives," said Bai Hongyu, executive producer of the show.