Comedy camp is no laughing matter

Hopefuls training to deliver stand-up humor will help boost domestic sector, Xu Fan reports.
To be a good comedian requires a mastery of many elements. Facial movement and delivery are two, and most importantly, a vivid imagination.
Basak Ng, a 41-year-old owner of a dessert and drinks restaurant in Macao, likely has a deep understanding of this.
Alongside other learners, Ng took part in a six-day sketch comedy training camp organized by Mahua FunAge, a popular Beijing-based comedy company. As the first of its kind, the program was held in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, Guangdong province, from Aug 21-26.
On the final day of the camp, Ng made her debut with five partners in a sketch comedy performance titled Wo Shi Dahuajia (I am a Great Painter) during a gala where all students showcased what they had learned.
During the performance, an audience member suggested the keyword "coffee", which led the six performers to take turns portraying various scenarios involving the beverage.
The performer who received the most acclaim would then, in turn, have their created imagery involve a new keyword, creating a cycle that amused, naturally, the viewers.
Recalling that a friend recommended she join the camp, Ng tells China Daily that she has been impressed with the weeklong learning experience, which taught her valuable skills such as observation, improvisation and teamwork.
"I hope that after this learning experience, I will have the ability to convey and spread happiness, inspiring others with my words and actions to share joy and love," says Ng, who is also a fan of Shen Teng, one of the most renowned comedy stars of Mahua FunAge.