Hangzhou teacher brings art and inspiration to Tibetan boarding school

A true family
Though Wu has been at the school for less than a month, he has forged strong bonds with students and teachers.
"I have gained immensely from this experience. I am very happy here, not only with the professional achievements in art but also in my interactions with colleagues and students. They are genuinely wonderful and simple people, and spending time with them has been very joyful," he said.
Wu has also found inspiration for his artwork. "I have always been interested in Tibetan culture. Although I had lived in Xizang areas before, this is my first time in a school setting. My understanding has deepened significantly, which has been very helpful for my painting. I am creating works related to this experience, and the biggest realization is that we are very similar. Han and Tibetan people truly are one family; there is no real difference. Even in terms of appearance, I feel quite similar to them now, and communication is smooth without any barriers," he added.