Emissions accounting system a must to transition

The central departments have recently vowed to improve the carbon emissions accounting system, which collects, monitors, processes and manages carbon emissions data. It involves hardware such as portable carbon emissions monitoring equipment and software such as satellite remote sensing technology, carbon emissions factor databases, data management platforms and carbon emissions reporting systems. The infrastructure enables real-time or periodic monitoring of carbon emissions in industries, transportation, construction, and other fields, as well as verification of the collected data.
By establishing an accurate carbon emissions monitoring system, the government can better grasp the carbon emissions status at the national, regional, and industrial levels. It can help improve data transparency and consistency, preventing data fabrication or inaccuracies, and providing a reliable basis for formulating effective carbon reduction policies. Additionally, the system can assist enterprises in managing their carbon footprint, enhancing their ability to participate in the carbon market, and aligning with international carbon emissions standards.
China has already made certain progress in the construction of carbon monitoring infrastructure, with a preliminary annual and quarterly reporting system for carbon emissions established, and a national greenhouse gas emissions factor database under construction.
However, carbon emissions monitoring infrastructure at the municipal level and below is relatively weak, and the compilation of energy balance sheets is progressing slowly, indicating that local carbon emissions data collection and management capabilities need improvement. Moreover, many small and medium-sized enterprises and non-key industries still lack comprehensive carbon emissions monitoring methods.