Tsinghua University brainstorms in Milan on art-tech bonding

Headmasters and scholars from more than 50 art and design schools around the world joined influencers in relevant industries at a recent forum in Milan, to discuss the further integration of art and design with technology.
The two-day Tsinghua International Conference on Art and Design Education zoomed in on the evolution of aesthetics brought about by technological advances and cross-disciplinary practices. It was themed "New Dimensions: Imagination Beyond the Horizon".
Participants shared cases in respective fields to shed light on in what directions academic research and education should address these changes, helping students prepare for them.
An exhibition of selected works of students of design at various colleges was held.
Tsinghua opened a Tsinghua Arts and Design Institute in Milan, in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano, to deepen exchanges in education and research between China and Europe.