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Angkor tour guides help locals rediscover heritage

Khieu Thy, president of the Angkor Tour Guide Association, which has over 200 members, said he is unsure if the uptick in domestic clients will be enough.
"I hope our tourism sector can grow again, but there's an overly optimistic analysis predicting that 2025 will match 2019 levels. Obviously, 2025 is just around the corner, and there's no clear sign of such an increase," he said.
"About 50 guides sit in front of Angkor without any earnings, yet they're willing to do this despite knowing it's unprofessional and inappropriate."
Their goal is to attract both national and international visitors as a group, Thy said.
Thy acknowledged the challenges in the current situation, pointing to a "high season" that felt more like the off-season.
"October was a disappointment, with demand falling short of expectations," Thy said.
"Only November showed a significant uptick in reservations. The upcoming months are unpredictable, leaving guides facing limited work opportunities."
In comparison to last year, when guides could find work for 20 days a month, they now average just 12, with many stationed at the temples daily to attract tourists.
Another indicator of the downturn, Thy said, is how Old Market area businesses like restaurants, hotels and guesthouses are seeing fewer visitors than last year.
With fewer reservations, guides are facing a tough market and must go out on their own to find guests at the temples.
"The number of guides has been declining since COVID-19, with some changing careers. A group of our guides now stands in front of Angkor, inviting both foreign and Khmer visitors to use their services as much as possible," Thy said.