Slow boat to sheer bliss!

Protecting a local heritage
Savlani's sampan-dinner series was a winner on several counts. The initially reluctant sampan aunties took good care of the guests, making sure that they boarded and disembarked from the boat safely. Also they kept plying the guests with a never-ending supply of food and drinks throughout the event.
Part of the profits from the "Sparked on a Sampan" dining series was spent on much-needed renovation of the fishing boats. Also the aunties have since begun offering vegetarian dishes to customers.
Lavina Ahuja, an art historian who attended one of Savlani's dinners, says, "My most favorite part was the overall concept and knowing that we were supporting a local heritage that is possibly dying."

Tarana Somani, founder of the brand The Crockery Hut, was especially delighted with the experience, being a vegetarian. "Getting to experience a fully vegetarian dinner on a boat is definitely unheard of in Hong Kong," she says.
Chan, of Humid with a Chance of Fishballs, says customers have called her tours "very Anthony Bourdain" in their ability to re-create a taste of the authentic flavors of a sampan meal.
She adds that the sampan restaurant she collaborates with for the tours is the last of its kind - which probably explains the popularity of her tour. "We need to support them as without customers they risk closing down."