Slithering into celebration: Chinese people embrace snakes as new zodiac symbol

In Chinese literary tradition, the snake symbolizes renewal, longevity and health, with the shedding of its skin seen as a powerful symbol of rebirth and rejuvenation.
However, this does not mean snakes are universally viewed as auspicious in modern China. The Chinese language, for example, features many derogatory idioms related to the cold-blooded creature: "a tiger's head and snake's tail" describes something that starts well but ends poorly, while villains are said to "have the heart and soul of a snake and scorpion."
Its image in Chinese pop culture is also mixed. On one hand, a household snake appears as a vicious yaoguai in the 1986-1987 animation "Calabash Brothers." On the other hand, the kindhearted "White Lady," a snake who transforms into a woman and marries a doctor, presents a more positive portrayal. In Chinese folklore and various adaptations, the snake lady and her human husband save many lives during a deadly plague, only to be separated by a Buddhist monk.