Breakfast at Tiffany's director Blake Edwards dies at 88

The Hollywood movie director and Oscar-winner - best known for his work on 'The Pink Panther' and 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' with Audrey Hepburn - passed away this morning (16.12.10) due to problems related to pneumonia.
As well as a famed director, he was also credited as a writer and producer on a number of film and TV projects.
Discussing his comedy work, he previously said: "I would not be able to get through life had I not been able to view its painfulness in a comedic way."
Blake was born in Oklahoma in 1922, but he and his family moved to Los Angeles when he was three, leading to him developing a love of cinema.
In 1969 he married British actress Dame Julie Andrews and the pair adopted two Vietnamese orphans, Amy Leigh and Joanna Lynn.
He also has two biological children Jennifer and Geoffrey from his first wife of 14 years Patricia.
Dame Julie and all of his four children were by his side when he died.