Madonna's daughter escapes spotlight

Madonna's eldest daughter Lourdes is planning to fund her own university education.
Related: Madonna upset with Lourdes' hair
The independent 16-year-old student - who helps run a successful fashion line 'Material Girl' with her famous mother - is said to want to pay her own fees to attend performing arts school Bard College close to New York in a bid to escape the spotlight and her mother's strict rules.
A source told The Sun newspaper: "Lourdes can't wait to leave home and get to university. She's already planned it all.
"She's also fed up being in the spotlight. That's why she didn't go on stage during Madonna's tour."
Madonna previously said she worries about being an "irresponsible parent" and revealed her daughter planned to leave home in the near future.
She said: "My children are my first priority and because they are older I can't take them with me on the road everywhere.
"I really feel I would be an irresponsible parent if I didn't stop my tour and spent time with them. My daughter is going to be leaving home soon."
The 54-year-old singer also admitted she and Lourdes - whose father is actor Carlos Leon - often clash but insisted they are very close.
She said: "My daughter has a very strong opinion and she knows what she likes. She has a good sense of style and I like the way she dresses. "Sometimes we disagree on things. I don't like that she shaves her head, but she likes it.
"Often it's fun to collaborate with her and I can always look at her and say, 'Does this look OK? Is this good? No? Shoes? No? High waisted, low waisted? She's a pretty good judge and very critical."