Registry to open for organ donors
Online system to help increase awareness, facilitate transplants
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"By filling out forms on the website, scheduled to open in late June, one can become a volunteer donor upon death,” Liu Weixin, deputy director of the society‘s National Organ Donation Management Center, told China Daily during an event at Jilin University in Changchun, Jilin province.
Gao Xinpu, a division director of the center, said people can update personal information after registering and, if they choose, revoke previous consent.
One important aspect is that a volunteer cannot donate if his or her family rejects the option, he said.
The registry will play an important role in spreading the message that organ donations save lives, Gao said, adding, ”But being registered as a volunteer is not a guarantee that you can be a donor”.
The organ donor registry in the United States has 129 million names, about 40 percent of the population.
According to China‘s National Health and Family Planning Commission, each year the country has 300,000 patients in need of life-saving organ transplants, but only 10,000 can get one.
By contrast, the ratio in the US is one in four, Gao said.
China launched an organ donation system in 2010 after a trial run in 16 areas. It later expanded into 19 areas, and will cover another six locations in June, Liu said.
Training programs will be held for organ donation coordinators across the country, he said, while ”a regulation to license, register and supervise coordinators will also be issued by the center this month”.
Organ donation coordinators work to identify organ matches, approach and get consent from a potential donor‘s next of kin, and consult with doctors and hospitals.
In the future, ”all coordinators will be expected to be licensed by the center”, Gao said, adding that they will need to meet basic qualifications in education and medical background.