Abe unable to read situation

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has drawn international criticism because of his revisionist approach to history. Of late, Abe joined his associates to raise the rallying cry of "long live (banzai)the emperor" during the first ceremony to mark the anniversary of the restoration of Japan's sovereignty after the seven-year occupation by United States-led forces after the end of World War II.
This, together with his previous provocative actions, has outraged peace-loving countries and has left them wondering whether the commemoration was aimed at reviving Japan's militarist past under Abe's leadership.
Without showing the slightest sense of guilt and responsibility, Abe has stepped up efforts to whitewash Japan's war crimes. On April 23, a group of 168 Japanese lawmakers visited the Yasukuni Shrine, which honors World War II criminals. The gathering was the largest since 1989. Without being present in person, Abe donated religious ornaments to the Yasukuni Shrine on April 20 when three of his cabinet ministers visited the shrine.