There is no magical world like the one J.K. Rowling has created in the Harry Potter books. Blyton set her stage in the real world, telling stories that make readers feel could really happen in anyone's childhood.
The adventures of "the five" always take place during their school holidays: they camp on the small picturesque Kirrin Island, owned by George and her family; they investigate a shipwreck of George's great-great-great grandfather; they battle villains who come to the island to steal the treasures left in a ruined castle.
There are no witches and dragons, no violence and bloodshed. However, Blyton manages to create suspense and to attract readers to follow the five, who solve one problem after another. In the process, the children learn the meaning of friendship, teamwork and bravery, and that good behavior always triumphs over evil.
"Blyton's language is simple and clean, and is very friendly to children," says Li Hui, the translator of the first two books of the series. She is an English professor at Shandong Normal University.
"When translating the stories, I seemed to have visited Kirrin Island a few times and gone through various adventures with the five. I might have forgotten other details, but the five-four children and a dog-h(huán)ave been so near and dear to me," adds Li.
"I have had a quick read of one of the books, and found it interesting myself. It reminded me of my childhood," says Xia You, the father of a 10-year-old. "I hope it can play a constructive role in building my son's reading habit."
The Famous Five 1-5
By: Enid Blyton
Publisher: Beijing United Publishing Co Ltd
Publication year: 2014
Pages: Approximately 180-190 pages in each book
Price: First batch of five books 99 yuan ($15.20); individually 19.8 yuan ($3)