A different side to artist Ma on display
2015-04-09 12:56
From a pen to a paintbrush
2015-04-10 08:14
Exhibition held in Russian city on medieval Chinese bronze mirrors
2015-04-09 16:11
Chinese-born Tsai's works on display at Tate Modern in 2016
2015-04-07 08:27
Modern Beijnger
2015-04-07 08:20
Picasso painting tipped for record sale unveiled in Hong Kong
2015-04-02 09:50
Nanjing festival seeks to grow with foreign and Chinese art
2015-03-31 07:42
Taiwan artist on Plato, scrap metal and history
2015-03-31 07:37
Yishu 8 Young Artist Award announced
2015-03-30 18:03
Fujian puppet shows in Cambodia
2015-03-29 08:55
Ancient bricks and tiles exhibited in Xi'an
2015-03-28 12:56
Works from China's Palace Museum exhibited in Melbourne, Australia
2015-03-27 10:03
Natural markings on stone looks like map of China
2015-03-26 10:21
Terracotta warrior replica unveiled in Veliko Tarnovo
2015-03-26 10:15