Japanese manga movie scores high in Chinese cinema
2024-10-29 12:38
Hero gets top-rated TV show decades after death
2024-10-29 10:12
Life's a barrel of laughs for droll duo
2024-10-28 08:12
30 works win special praise at ICH film and photo show in Zhejiang
2024-10-25 15:44
Venom takes a big bite of China's box office
2024-10-25 15:34
Child cancer film shows spirit of courage and humor
2024-10-23 13:16
Documentary gives clout to Chinese filmmakers
2024-10-21 17:09
Pop star makes directorial debut
2024-10-21 16:30
Reality show follows couples lacking marital bliss
2024-10-21 15:44
Douyin innovates entertainment promotion
2024-10-21 11:44
Film celebrates teen court prodigy's painting masterpiece
2024-10-19 09:23
Blockbuster series charts principal's course
2024-10-17 08:29
'Joker' sequel hits the silver screen
2024-10-16 15:19
Time traveling princess reflects shifts in costume dramas
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