Delegations arrives for six-party talks ( 2003-08-26 06:53) (newsphoto)
 North Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Kim
Yong-il gestures to the media upon his arrival at Beijing International
Airport August 26, 2003. Diplomats from North and South Korea, the United
States, China, Russia and Japan will meet in Beijing, China's capital,
from Wednesday to defuse the crisis that began last October, when the US
said North Korea had admitted to a nuclear arms programme.
[Reuters] |
 James Kelly (R), U.S. assistant
secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs walks into the lobby
of Beijing International Hotel with other members of his delegation August
25, 2003. The delegation is here for the six-party talks on the Korean
nuclear issue, which are scheduled to open tomorrow. The talks are widely
seen as an important step towards a peaceful solution of the nuclear issue
on the Korean Peninsula, following on the "Beijing Talks'' in April.
[] |
 South Korean Deputy Foreign
Minister Lee Soo-hyuck (C), accompanied by his entourage, arrives at
Beijing International Airport, August 25, 2003. Diplomats from the two
Koreas, the United States, China, Japan and Russia will meet at the
exclusive Diaoyutai State Guest House from Wednesday to Friday for talks
on North Korea's nuclear crisis. [Reuters] |
 Russian Deputy Foreign Minister
Alexander Losyukov speaks to the media, as Ambassador to Beijing Igor
Rogachev looks on, upon his arrival at Beijing International Airport
August 25, 2003. Losyukov said he was "discreetly optimistic" about the
six-party talks on the North Korean nuclear issue, due to open in China's
capital on Wednesday. [Reuters] |
 Mitoji Yabunaka, right,
director-general for Asian and Oceania Affairs Bureau of Japanese Foreign
Ministry and head of the Japanese delegation to attend the six-nation
talks on North Korea 's nuclear program, arrives at the Capital
International Airport in Beijing Monday, Aug. 25, 2003.
[Xinhua] |