Chelsea Clinton is the envy of this year's graduate

being offered a 0,000 -a-year job with McKinsey, the New York
management consultancy.
Sources confirmed that the daughter of Bill Clinton, the former
President, had been offered an "entry level" position
as a business analyst but had not yet accepted the job.
Miss Clinton received similar job offers from McKinsey and Boston
Group, another management consultancy firm, and appears to have
negotiated a salary far above other graduates.
Company sources said: "To hear people talk in McKinsey,
you would think Chelsea was arriving tomorrow. But what is certain
is that she has been offered the job and has expressed great interest
but has not yet formally accepted it."
Miss Clinton, who is 23 next week and will leave University College,
Oxford, in the spring after completing a postgraduate course in
international relations, wants to train as a business consultant
specialising in the healthcare sector.
Her interest was fostered during a summer holiday job last year
when she worked at the World Health Organisation in Geneva.