China moves to raise employment in rural areas (Xinhua) Updated: 2004-04-26 11:22
China is restructuringagriculture and rural economy to
expand employment and removingthe institutional and policy obstacles steadily to
help a rationaland orderly flow of rural workforce into cities, said a
whitepaper issued by the Information Office of the State Council Monday.
The white paper, China's
Employment Situation and Policies, issued in Beijing Monday, said the Chinese
Government has activelyrestructured the agriculture and rural economy, pushing
hard theagro-industries other than traditional crop cultivation.The country is
working to promote the industrialized managementof agriculture and develop farm
produce processing, sales, storage,transportation and preservation.
Preferential policies of finance, taxation and loaning havebeen adopted to
support a group of key and leading agricultureenterprises, the white paper said.
The Chinese Government has reckoned township enterprises as animportant way
to employ the surplus rural labor force.In 2003, China's township enterprises
produced 3.67 trillionyuan of added value, contributing to 31.4 percent of the
country'sGDP and they have provided jobs to 136 million people, or 27.8percent
of the total laborers in rural areas.
Last year, more than 98 million rural residents sought jobs outof their
hometowns, over six times that of 15 million in 1990.Since the 1990s, the number
of farmers working out of theirnative homes increased by some 5 million annually
in average, thewhite paper said.
The Chinese Government has adopted the policy of "treatingfairly, guiding
rationally, and improving administration andservice" for rural migrant workers.
The government is working to bring into full play its functionsto provide
information and administrative service for migrantworkers, such as building
public employment service organizationsand the labor recruitment information
network, making recruitmentinformation surveys and timely analysis and
announcement of therecruitment needs of enterprises.
The government has put forward the National Plan for TrainingRural Migrant
Workers, 2003-2010 to improve vocational trainingfor rural workforce, which is
to train the 60 million prospectiverural migrant laborers in seven years.
The Chinese Government has gradually improved theadministration on labor
contracts for rural migrant workers incities to protect their legal rights and
interests, the whitepaper said.
The government has tightened supervision over the employers andjob agencies
about payment and labor conditions. Illegal jobagencies and those providing
false employment information forrural migrant workers are severely punished.
Efforts have been made to cover rural migrant workers withsocial insurance,
the white paper said.
In major provinces and cities where rural migrant workers rushto, such as
Guangdong, Fujian and Beijing, social insurance hasincluded rural migrant
workers and relevant policies andregulations have been issued about work-related
injury, medicareand pension insurance for them.
Since 1991, the Chinese Government has made pilot projects insome areas to
explore different approaches, policies and measuresfor the development and
employment of the rural labor force indifferent natural and socio-economic
Such projects, focusing on unified planning for
employment inboth urban and rural areas, rural migrant workers' returning hometo
start their own businesses, training of the rural migrantworkforce and
employment in west China, are being carried out in98 counties and cities in 26
provinces and municipalities.
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