Indonesian police arrested Muslim cleric Abu Bakar
Bashir on Friday over suspected terror links, including to the 2002 Bali
bombings, as he walked out of jail after serving time for lesser charges.
 Indonesian police
detain radical Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir (C) as he leaves Jakarta's
Salemba prison April 30,
2004. [Reuters] |
Bashir was detained again without incident, but earlier his supporters hurled
rocks and firebombs at police.
The frail Bashir, accused of leading the al Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiah
network, was served a warrant as he left a central Jakarta jail after 18 months
in prison for immigration offences.
"What we witnessed just now was an illegal action from the police. We have
not seen that warrant," said Munarman, a lawyer for Bashir.
Police had tried to question Bashir earlier this week regarding attacks,
including the October 2002 bomb blasts in Bali that killed 202 people. He
refused to cooperate.
Back in detention, Bashir would now be questioned about numerous cases, said
Suyitno Landung, chief criminal investigator for the national police.
"Plenty of bombing cases. These are cases we have been investigating from
1999 to 2002, including the latest, the Bali bombings."
In the October 2002 attack on the resort island, 202 people died, most
foreign tourists. Bashir has consistently denied links to that and any terrorist
acts, as well as to Jemaah Islamiah.
His re-arrest will probably further enrage his militant supporters and anger
Muslim leaders and politicians who accuse authorities of bowing to U.S. pressure
over Bashir's case. Washington has said it wants Bashir, 65, to stay behind
Hundreds of his supporters were outside the prison, and many clashed with
police before the smiling cleric was taken away.
The protesters tore up paving stones to hurl at police, who threw the stones
back and responded with tear gas, clubs and water cannons in running battles in
the early morning that left many injured on both sides.
Police had said earlier they would re-arrest Bashir over allegations he had
violated various anti-terrorism statutes. Under Indonesian law he could be held
for up to six months for questioning and investigation before formal charges are
Asked for his reaction to being re-arrested, a smiling Bashir said: "There is
no problem. There is no problem. I'm fine." Police then drove him to police
According to a police warrant shown this week to reporters, allegations
against him include terror conspiracy, plotting attacks, and ties to Jemaah
Islamiah, believed to be responsible for violence throughout Southeast Asia.
Previous charges against Bashir of treason and of leading Jemaah Islamiah had
been dismissed or overturned.
"Before we investigated Abu Bakar Bashir on a limited scale, but there are
perpetrators who always linked him as the leader of a closed and secretive
organization," said Landung.
National police spokesman Inspector-General Paiman told reporters: "This is
not pressure from the United States. We made the arrest due to terrorism
A U.S. Embassy spokesman said Washington welcomed the move but denied charges
of intervention in Indonesia's legal system.
"There is extensive evidence of Abu Bakar Bashir's leadership role and
personal involvement in terrorist activities, but the decision to pursue the
prosecution is the Indonesian authorities'," he said.
Arresting Bashir and the prospect of a fresh trial pose a challenge to the
world's most populous Muslim nation ahead of presidential elections in July,
especially with sentiment for Washington at an all-time low over the war in
Iraq and U.S. policies toward the Muslim world in general.
In the past two weeks, Bashir has entertained a stream of visitors at the
prison, from Islamist politicians to mainstream Muslim leaders, all accusing the
United States of meddling.
"Clearly this is intervention from foreigners, namely the United States,"
said well-known Muslim leader Din Syamsuddin.