US raid home of former Pentagon ally (Agencies) Updated: 2004-05-21 08:48 U.S. troops and Iraqi police raided
the home and offices Thursday of Ahmad Chalabi, a prominent Iraqi politician
once groomed by the Pentagon as a possible replacement for Saddam Hussein.
The operation confirmed a growing rift between the United States and the
former exile just six weeks before the return of Iraqi sovereignty. Two members
of the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council, of which Chalabi is a key member,
said they were considering resigning in protest of the raid.
 The glass in a
portrait of Iraqi Governing Council member Ahmed Chalabi is seen smashed
after Iraqi police and US troops raided his head office in Baghdad,
confiscating files and computers. [AFP]
| "We are friends of America," Chalabi told a news
conference several hours after he said police woke him up at 10:30 a.m. and
entered his bedroom with pistols. "But when America treats its friends in this
way, then they are in big trouble."
Iraqi authorities made several arrests and seized documents and computers.
Reporters who visited the offices of Chalabi's political organization saw
scattered documents on the marble floors, ripped-off cables and overturned
A portrait of Chalabi hanging on the wall in his home had a bullet hole in
the forehead.
U.S. officials deferred questions about the raid to the Iraqis, but said
neither Chalabi nor his political organization, the Iraqi National Congress,
were targets. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said "clearly there
were legal and investigative reasons, not political."
Although the U.S. military arranged for Chalabi's dramatic return to
Iraq last year, American officials have recently complained privately that
Chalabi was interfering with an inquiry into money skimmed from the U.N.
oil-for-food program, criticizing American plans for a transfer of power and
cozying up to Iranian hardliners.
The Pentagon recently ended a program in which it funneled millions of
dollars over the years to Chalabi's political organization. The $340,000 monthly
payments were partly for intelligence passed along by fellow exiles about
Saddam's purported weapons of mass destruction — the Bush administration's
stated rationale for the war.
Chalabi has come under criticism because large stockpiles of these weapons
were never found. The CIA has long been suspicious of information provided by
his organization.
At the news conference, Chalabi said the raids was politically motivated.
"I have opened up the investigation of the oil-for-food program which has
cast doubt about the integrity of the U.N. here, which they don't like," he
Coalition spokesman Dan Senor said the investigation into the oil-for-food
program, a U.N.-supervised scheme that helped Iraq cope with the effects of
sweeping economic sanctions between 1990 and 2003, has "nothing to do with what
transpired today."
Other U.S. officials were equally circumspect.
"I certainly was not aware there was going to be a raid on a home, if in fact
there was," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said. "My understanding is that
the Iraqis are involved in this, and you'd best ask them."
U.S. officials said American soldiers cordoned off the area around Chalabi's
residence but did not enter the home. Iraqi police, with the Americans looking
on, also searched two locations housing offices of the Iraqi National Congress.
Chalabi said they had arrest warrants written in English for seven people,
including his security chief, but that no arrests were made. But Haidar Musawi,
an INC official, said three security guards were arrested though they were not
linked to any allegation.
A senior coalition official said on condition of anonymity that several
people were arrested and that arrest warrants were issued for "up to 15 people"
on allegations of "fraud, kidnapping and associated matters."
In a statement, Chalabi's organization urged the Iraqi Governing Council to
take "a national and responsible stand toward these provocations."
Council President Ghazi Mashal Ajil al-Yawer said he was "astonished by what
happened" and called an urgent council meeting for Friday to discuss the raids.
An aide to council member Mohammed Bahr al-Ulloum said he was considering
resigning. And Salama al-Khafaji, a Shiite member, told al-Jazeera television,
"I threatened to suspend my membership if there's no official apology to Dr.
Ahmad Chalabi."
Chalabi said he was asleep at the time of the raid on his home.
"I opened the door. The police went into my room carrying pistols. I told
them to get out." He said a gunbattle between his guards and the policemen was
avoided by a "hair's breadth."
Police seized documents related to the oil-for-food program, a report by the
Oil Ministry to the Governing Council and letters from the council, Chalabi
said. He said a "valuable" copy of the Quran and worry beads were also taken
U.S. and coalition officials have recently accused Chalabi of undermining the
investigation into the oil-for-food program. Chalabi, who took an early lead in
exposing alleged abuses of the program, has launched his own probe.
A former banker who had last lived in Iraq in 1956, Chalabi was convicted of
fraud in absentia in Jordan in 1992 in a banking scandal and sentenced to 22
years in jail. He has repeatedly denied the charges.
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