Steady monetary policies to continue (Xinhua) Updated: 2004-11-17 09:57 The People's Bank of China
said Tuesday that in the last quarter of this year it will continue to pursue
steady monetary policies and make efforts to rationalize its credit structure.
In a report published Tuesday on monetary policies in the firstthree
quarters, the central bank says it will employ various monetary policy tools to
ensure financial institutions' capital demands for normal payment, clearing and
loans, support rational credit growth and maintain a basically stable market
The central bank will also guide commercial banks to continue their support
for projects that conform to the state's industrial policies and market entry
conditions. Credit support will continueto be given to agriculture, small and
mid-sized enterprises and the consumption sector, as well as education and
employment, in order to promote credit and industrial restructuring.
The report says the bank will steadily push forward the marketization of
interest rates, and guide financial institutions to rationally design their
interest rates, in order to increase the distribution efficiency of credit
capital. At the same time, efforts will be made to speed up the reform of
China's financial institutions.
The central bank is studying the establishment of a deposit insurance system
and a "timely and effective" exit mechanism for financial institutions. Measures
will also be taken to foster institutional investors in the financial market,
according to the report.
The report reiterates that the system for determining the RMB exchange rate
will be further improved, the administration of foreign exchange will be
reinforced and improved and the RMB exchange rate will remain "basically stable
at a rational and balanced level."