Talks on Iraqi coalition government falter (Agencies) Updated: 2005-03-03 08:59
Talks aimed at forging a coalition government faltered Wednesday over Kurdish
demands for more land and concerns that the dominant Shiite alliance seeks to
establish an Islamic state, delaying the planned first meeting of Iraq's new
The snag in negotiations between Shiite and Kurdish leaders in northern Iraq
came as clashes and two car bombings in Baghdad killed at least 14 Iraqi
soldiers and police officers — the latest in a relentless wave of violence since
elections Jan. 30.
![Ziad Mohammed Jassim stands next to the wreck of his car, that he claims was smashed by a U.S. armoured vehicle in Ramadi, an insurgent stronghold 113 kilometers (70 miles) west of Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday, March 2, 2005, though the claim could not be verified. Clashes erupted between U.S. forces and gunmen after insurgents detonated a roadside bomb as a U.S. convoy passed. The explosion missed the convoy, but damaged two civilian cars that were in flames. [AP]](xin_48030203085267122291.jpg) Ziad Mohammed Jassim stands next to the wreck
of his car, that he claims was smashed by a U.S. armoured vehicle in
Ramadi, an insurgent stronghold 113 kilometers (70 miles) west of Baghdad,
Iraq, Wednesday, March 2, 2005, though the claim could not be verified.
Clashes erupted between U.S. forces and gunmen after insurgents detonated
a roadside bomb as a U.S. convoy passed. The explosion missed the convoy,
but damaged two civilian cars that were in flames.
[AP] | The group led by Iraq's most wanted
terrorist, Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi, purportedly claimed responsibility in an
Internet posting for Wednesday's clashes and at least one of the bombings — as
it had for a suicide car bombing Monday that killed 125 people in Hillah, a town
south of the capital.
"The bombings in Hillah and again in Baghdad this morning are not going to
derail the political process that Iraq is embarked upon," National Security
Adviser Mouwafak al-Rubaie said Wednesday. "The Iraqi government will go after
and hunt down each and every one of these terrorists whether in Iraq or
But forming Iraq's first democratically elected coalition government is
turning out to be a laborious process.
![Shiite politician Ibrahim al-Jaafari (L) stands with Kurdistan Democratic Party leader Massoud Barzani during a press conference, in the northern city of Salahauddin. [AFP]](xin_250302030902218109402.jpg) Shiite politician Ibrahim al-Jaafari (L)
stands with Kurdistan Democratic Party leader Massoud Barzani during a
press conference, in the northern city of Salahauddin.
[AFP] | Shiite and Kurdish leaders, Iraq's new political powers, failed to reach
agreement after two days of negotiations in the northern city of Irbil, with the
clergy-backed candidate for prime minister, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, leaving with
only half the deal he needed.
The Shiite-led United Iraqi Alliance, which has 140 seats in the 275-member
National Assembly, hopes to win backing from the 75 seats held by Kurdish
political parties so t can muster the required two-thirds majority for post top
posts in the new government.
Al-Jaafari indicated after the talks that the alliance was ready to accept a
Kurdish demand that one of its leaders, Jalal Talabani, become president.
"We, the United Iraqi Alliance, and I personally respect the Kurdish choice
for Jalal Talabani to be their nominee for the presidential post. I will convey
this honestly to my brothers in the alliance," he said.
However, he would not commit to other demands, including the expansion of
Kurdish autonomous areas south to the oil-rich city of Kirkuk.
Kurdish leaders have demanded constitutional guarantees for their northern
regions, including self-rule and reversal of the "Arabization" of Kirkuk and
other northern areas. Saddam Hussein relocated Iraqi Arabs to the region in
a bid to secure the oil fields there.
Politicians had hoped to convene the new parliament by Sunday. But Ali
Faisal, of the Shiite Political Council, said the date was now "postponed" and
that a new date had not been set.
"The blocs failed to reach an understanding over the formation of the
government," said Faisal, whose council is part of the United Iraqi Alliance.
The Kurds, he added, were "the basis of the problem" in the negotiations.
"The Kurds are wary about al-Jaafari's nomination to head the government.
They are concerned that a strict Islamic government might be formed," al-Faisal
said. "Negotiations and dialogue are ongoing."
In another twist, alliance deputy and former Pentagon favorite Ahmad Chalabi
was to meet Thursday with interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, whose party won 40
seats in the assembly. It was unclear why the meeting between the two rivals was
taking place.
Both Allawi and Chalabi are secular Shiites opposed to making Iraq an Islamic
state. Concerns over a possible theocracy are especially pertinent because the
main task of the new assembly will be to write a constitution.
Although Kurds make up only about 15 percent of Iraq's population, they won
27 percent of the assembly seats — largely because most Sunni Arabs did not
participate in the elections, either to honor a boycott call or because they
feared attack by Sunni-led insurgents trying to disrupt the vote.
Sunni Arabs, who comprise about 20 percent of the population, were favored
under Saddam's regime, which oppressed the majority Shiite Arabs. Iraqi Kurds
are mostly Sunni, but their Kurdish identity is far more significant to them
than any tie to Sunni Arabs.
Wednesday's attacks in Baghdad began when a car bomb struck an Iraqi army
base, killing eight soldiers and wounding at least 25. A second car bomb an hour
later at an army checkpoint killed four soldiers. Separate clashes killed two
police officers, the Defense Ministry said.
Also Wednesday, an Internet statement in the name of the Ansar al-Sunnah Army
claimed the killing of two Turkish drivers abducted Feb. 25 on the road to
Kirkuk, and a Swede of Iraqi descent who was kidnapped last month pleaded for
his life in a video left at an international news agency in Baghdad.
It was not possible to verify the authenticity of either the claim or the
The latest violence came a day after the killings in Baghdad of an Iraqi
judge and his son, both of whom worked for the tribunal that will put Saddam and
members of his regime on trial. Three gunmen in a speeding car raked the pair
with gunfire as they were trying to get into a vehicle outside their home.
The shootings marked the first time any legal staff working for the Iraqi
Special Tribunal have been killed.
On Monday, the tribunal had issued referrals for five former regime members —
including one of Saddam's half-brothers — for crimes against humanity. Referrals
are similar to indictments, and are the final step before trials can start.
It wasn't clear, however, if the court actions inspired the killings of Judge
Barwez Mohammed Mahmoud al-Merwani and his son, lawyer Aryan Barwez al-Merwani.
The son was the local head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, one of two
parties in the Kurdish coalition.
Judges and other legal staff have not even been identified in public because
of concerns for their safety, and tribunal officials have kept a low profile for
the same reason.
The Iraqi Special Tribunal was set up in late 2003 after Saddam was toppled.
But after five potential candidates were killed, some judges declined calls to
work at the court. At least half the tribunal's budget has gone to security.
A court official, who declined to be named, said the slain judge was one of
more than 60 investigative, appellate and trial judges working at the
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