Bush rejects German leader's suggestion to close Guantanamo prison (AP) Updated: 2006-01-14 08:50 President George W. Bush rejected a suggestion by
Germany's new leader that the U.S. close its prison at Guantanamo Bay, saying
after a first meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel that the facility is "a
necessary part of protecting the American people."
Guantanamo has become a symbol in Europe for what many see as Bush
administration excesses in hunting down and interrogating terror suspects. At
least one German is among about 500 foreign-born men held indefinitely at the
prison camp on Cuba's eastern tip.

U.S. President George W. Bush (R) and German
Chancellor Angela Merkel address a news conference in the East Room of the
White House in Washington January 13, 2006. Bush said on Friday he was not
going to prejudge what the United Nations Security Council would do if
Iran is brought before the 15-member Council over its nuclear
program.[Reuters] | "So long as the war on
terror goes on, and so long as there's a threat, we will inevitably need to hold
people that would do ourselves harm," Bush said at a White House press
conference with Merkel.
The United States says the detainees are suspected Taliban or al-Qaida
operatives or soldiers, but lawyers and rights groups say many are nonviolent
victims of circumstance.
Bush and Merkel both had tough warnings for Iran over its nuclear
brinksmanship. "We will not be intimidated by a country such as Iran,"
Merkel said. She also condemned statements by Iran's leader challenging Israel's
right to exist.
Iran threatened on Friday to end surprise inspections and other cooperation
with the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency if its case goes to the U.N. Security
Council over its nuclear program. The country's new hard-line president vowed
his country won't be cowed by sanctions the council could impose.
Iran's tough line came as Europe and the United States were trying to build
support for taking Iran's case to the Security Council. They faced resistance
from China, which warned that the move could only escalate the confrontation.
"Iran armed with a nuclear weapon poses a grave threat to the security of the
world," Bush said as he praised Germany for trying to help solve the crisis.
"We want an end result to be acceptable, which will yield peace, which is
that the Iranians not have a nuclear weapon with which to blackmail ... or
threaten the world," Bush said.
The two leaders seemed determined to get off to a good start after chilly
relations between Washington and Berlin under Merkel's predecessor, the staunch
Iraq war opponent Gerhard Schroeder. Their discussions also included Iraq,
Afghanistan and the Balkans.
Bush was lavish in his praise of Merkel as smart, spirited and "plenty
capable." Merkel smiled but showed she is no pushover. Both she and Bush
called their 45-minute, one-on-one session "candid," diplomatic code for a
meeting with real debate and differences.
"We also openly addressed that there sometimes have been differences of
opinion," Merkel told reporters. "I mentioned Guantanamo in this respect."
Merkel said last week that while she thinks the prison should not remain open
indefinitely, she did not plan to demand its closure when she met with Bush.
"We addressed this issue openly," Merkel said. "And I think it's, after all,
only one facet in our overall fight against terrorism."
That is a fight Merkel said Germany agrees is vital, although "there may
sometimes be differences as to the acuteness of that danger ... and how we face
up to this threat."
Neither Bush nor Merkel mentioned the outrage in Europe over reports that the
CIA operated secret prisons there, where terror suspects may have been
mistreated in violation of European or international human rights law.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice faced a welter of questions on that topic
when she visited Berlin and other European capitals in December, and public
opinion in Europe remains strongly skeptical of Washington's motives and tactics
in the terror fight.
The Guantanamo prison opened four years ago, after a U.S.-led force ousted
Afghanistan's Taliban militia rulers of and scattered an extensive al-Qaida
terror network in the country.
Dozens of prisoners have gone on hunger strikes, which U.N. officials and
rights groups is a sign that some have lost hope.
Bush challenged reporters to tour the base and see for themselves "how the
folks that are being detained there are treated." Camp rules forbid any direct
contact between outsiders and prisoners, which makes interviews with inmates
"These are people picked up off a battlefield who want to do harm," Bush
said. He added that "a lot of folks have been released from Guantanamo."
Of the approximately 760 prisoners brought to Guantanamo since 2002, the
military has released 180. Also, it has transferred 76 to the custody of other
countries, such as Australia, Britain, Kuwait, Pakistan, Russia and Saudi
Only nine have been charged with crimes, and their cases are to go before
special military tribunals that many lawyers say lack basic legal protections
for defendants.