Xu Kuangdi -- Vice-chairman of 10th CPPCC National Committee
Updated: 2004-02-27 11:26
The following is a biographical sketch of Xu Kuangdi, who was just elected vice-chairman of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC):
Xu Kuangdi, male, born in 1937, native of Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province; joined the CPC in 1983; 1959 graduate of the Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Engineering; professor and member of the Academy of Engineering.
Assistant lecturer of the Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Engineering in 1959-1963; assistant lecturer of the Shanghai Institute of Engineering in 1963-71; assistant lecturer and lecturer at the Shanghai Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Shanghai University of Engineering in 1972-80; deputy dean, dean, associate professor and professor of the Shanghai University of Engineering in 1980-86; executive vice-president of the Shanghai University of Engineering in 1986-89; deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Higher Education Bureau in 1989-1991; director of the Shanghai Municipal Planning Committee in 1991-92; concurrently deputy mayor of Shanghai in 1992-1994; deputy secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee and mayor of Shanghai in 1995-2001; Party Nucleus Group secretary of the Academy of Engineering in 2001-2002; and president and Party Nucleus Group secretary of the Academy of Engineering.
Alternate member of the 14th CPC Central Committee and member of the 15th and 16th CPC Central Committees.