外電原文如下:Steinmeier, a 49-year-old lawyer, has been a low profile but powerful figure in Schroeder's government. 句中的low profile 意思就是"不引人注目的、低調的形象"。
"低調"這個詞我們平時經常用到。例如:I have been keeping a low profile my entire life. (我一生行事低調。)
Low-profile 也可以作為形容詞,即"低調的"。例如:The low-profile strategy would not apply to him. (這種避免引人注目的策略對他是不適用的。)
反之high profile 就是"高調、高姿態"的意思。例如:Other high-profile stars who have fallen out of the top 100 include Jennifer Lopez and her former fiance Ben Affleck. (其他知名度很高卻不在前100名之列的明星包括詹妮弗·洛佩茲和她的前未婚夫本·艾弗瑞克。)