請看中國日報網站的消息:Cries of "ghost" spooked 12 students to their death in a primary schoolstampedeon Tuesday. The tragedy occurred in Tongjiang County in Southwest China's Sichuan Province, about 600 kilometres from the capital Chengdu.
Stampede在報道中指的是“蜂擁、驚跑”。由于受到“有鬼”的驚嚇,學生們紛紛涌向樓梯,從而導致了踩踏事件的發生。如:There was a stampede of panic-stricken crowd from the burning hotel.(一群驚惶失措的人們, 從失火的旅館中跑了出來。);a stampede for tickets(購票熱)。
Stampede可作動詞使用,例如:The children stampede out through those side doors.(孩子們從各個邊門蜂擁而出。) ;Customers stampeded the store.(顧客們涌向商店。)