外電報道中有這樣一句話:The shrine honors convicted war criminals along with 2.5 million war dead and the visits are regarded as an insult by Japan's neighbors. Many countries in the region suffered during Japan's wartime occupation and feel that Japan has not done enough toatone forits past.
日本領導人頻頻參拜靖國神社,絲毫沒有彌補戰爭過錯的意思,極大的傷害了中國人民的感情。報道中的atone for 指的就是“補償(過錯);贖(罪)”。Atone一詞有“賠罪;償還”的意思。
比如:How can I atone for hurting your feelings? (我該怎樣做才能彌補對你造成的傷害呢?)