請看路透社的相關報道:Han Xiaopeng made history by becoming the first Chinese skier to win Olympic gold with his sensational victory in the men'sfreestyle aerialsfinal on February 23, 2006. This is China's second gold at the ongoing event.
報道中的aerials在這里是體育術語"空中技巧",由形容詞aerial衍生而來。Aerial原意是"of, in, or caused by the air"(在空中的;與空氣有關的),舉個例子:Petrels are the most aerial of birds(海燕是最善于翱翔的鳥)。由此,我們可得到一系列與"空中"有關的詞組:如 "特技飛行",可以用aerial acrobatics來表達,acrobatics意為"雜技";軍事上的"空戰"可譯為aerial combat.