Day 2 - Tuesday, May 17 [ 2005-04-07 14:02:22] |
8:40-8:50 |
Introduction: Richard D. Parsons, Chairman and CEO,
Time Warner Inc. Speaker: Zeng Peiyan, Vice Premier, People's
Republic of China |
8:50-9:40 |
The rise of China, the recovery and comeback of other
"tiger" economies, and the emergence of new regional powers are forging an
Asia that is a force to be reckoned with. As the region and its leaders
assume a more prominent role in the global economy, a host of demographic,
economic, and geopolitical trends is
Speakers: Nobuyuki Idei, Chairman and Group Chief
Executive Officer, Sony Corporation John
B. Menzer, President and CEO, Wal-Mart International Henry M. Paulson,
Jr., Chairman and CEO, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Yang Yuanqing,
President and CEO, Lenovo Group Ltd. |
9:40-9:50 |
Speaker: Jong-Yong Yun, Vice Chairman and CEO, Samsung
Electronics, Ltd. |
9:50-10:40 |
The auto industry offers a compelling case study that is a
microcosm of the issues and challenges of doing business in Asia (and
particularly China): government regulation, technology transfer and
intellectual property, global vs. local branding, sociological and
environmental impact, energy issues, and more.
Speakers: Hu
Maoyuan, President, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. Helmut Panke,
Chairman of the Board of Management, BMW AG G. Richard Wagoner,
President and CEO, General Motors Moderator: Alex Taylor III, Senior
11:10-12:00 |
World-class, homegrown businesses that have emerged in
knowledge-based industries are transforming India into a key global
player. What needs to happen in other emerging industries for India to
repeat the success it has achieved in health care and information
technology? Is India poised to become a power in manufacturing as software
is embedded in more and more products?
Speakers: Lakshmi
Narayanan, CEO and President, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Corp. Nandan M. Nilekani, CEO, President, and Managing Director,
Infosys Prannoy Roy, Chairman, NDTV Michael Patsalos-Fox, Chairman,
Americas, McKinsey & Company Inc. Moderator: David Kirkpatrick,
Senior Editor, FORTUNE |
12:00-12:50 |
A strong, stable private-equity market is critical to the
economic growth of China and global markets. How are China's young capital
markets evolving? What are the barriers, both structural and cultural,
investors need to understand?
Speakers: Stuart Gulliver, Chief
Executive Officer, Corporate, Investment Banking, and Markets,
HSBC Jack R. Rodman, Partner, Ernst & Young Kevan Watts,
Chairman, Merrill Lynch International Inc. Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor,
People's Bank of China Moderator: Robert Friedman,
International Editor, FORTUNE |
14.10-15.00 |
CONCURRENT SESSIONS (I) The Falling Dollar's Global
Impact |
The declining value of the American dollar has had a tremendous impact
on the global economy-an impact likely to be even more pronounced if the
yuan is unpegged from the dollar.
Speakers: Kenneth S. Courtis,
Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs Asia Li Jiange, Director, Development
Research Center of the State Council, People’s Republic of
China Stephen S. Roach, Managing Director and Chief Economist, Morgan
Stanley Makoto Utsumi, President and CEO, Japan Credit Rating Agency,
Moderator: Justin Fox, Editor at Large,
14.10-15.00 |
CONCURRENT SESSIONS (II) Perspectives on Doing Business in
Asia: Understanding What Works |
Views on business and economic development vary from country to
country, continent to continent. Formed by different social, educational,
and economic environments, the approaches, attitudes, and models that work
in the West do not always translate to the East. What do executives hoping
to do business in Asia need to know as they navigate this complex, nuanced
business arena?
Speakers: Victor L.L. Chu, Chairman and CEO,
First Eastern Investment Group Andrew N. Liveris, President and CEO,
Dow Chemical Company Antonio M. Perez, President and COO, Eastman Kodak
Moderator: Thomas D. Gorman, Chairman, CCI Asia-Pacific
Ltd. |
14.10-15.00 |
CONCURRENT SESSIONS (III) Corporate Governance |
Reform of corporate governance in Asia has been ongoing since the late
1990s. But given the relative newness of the concept to many Asian
countries, what does "good governance" really entail? What barriers do
Asian culture, ethics, and values raise to implementing the kinds of
corporate governance practices that are standard in Europe and the U.S?
What rules are likely to be adopted in various Asian markets?
Speakers: David Eldon, Chairman, The Hong Kong and Shanghai
Banking Corp. Ltd. Fang Xinghai, Deputy Chief Executive Officer,
Shanghai Stock Exchange Jiang Jianqing, Chairman and President,
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Peter G. Peterson, Senior
Chairman and Co-founder, The Blackstone Group James Turley, Global
Chairman and CEO, Ernst & Young
Moderator: Geoff Colvin, Senior Editor at Large,
14.10-15.00 |
(IV) Creating a Global Workforce |
To succeed globally, multinationals need to be able to manage human
resources effectively on a worldwide scale. Various models are being
phased in with differing degrees of success. Can and should you try to
create a global corporate culture? How does adopting a global approach
change the already complicated issues surrounding attraction, retention,
and development of high-potential employees? Why do some see a truly
global workforce-with senior-level positions open to candidates
worldwide-as the ultimate solution?
Speakers: Diana Farrell,
Director, McKinsey Global Institute Victor K.
Fung, Group Chairman, Li & Fung Group John B. Menzer, President and
CEO, Wal-Mart International Lakshmi Narayanan, CEO and President,
Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. William G. Parrett, Chief
Executive Officer, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Charles Prince, CEO,
Citigroup Inc.
Moderator: David Kirkpatrick, Senior Editor,
14.10-15.00 |
Televised live by CNN, and chaired by CNN Anchor Jim
Clancy, this session features a broad-ranging discussion on the rapid
economic growth in China and the huge gaps that remain between rich and
poor, city and country, East Coast and the West, and how the leadership is
addressing those challenges.
Speakers: Irwin Mark Jacobs,
Co-founder and Chairman, Qualcomm, Inc. Peggy Yu Yu, Co-President, Dangdang |
15.15-16.05 |
Sustainable development requires a sustainable energy supply. As the
world's appetite for energy continues to balloon, driven by the surging
consumption of crude oil in China and other industrial nations, readily
accessible reserves are drying up. Known untapped resources tend to be
located in areas where extraction costs are prohibitive. Is it time to get
serious about alternatives? What are the viable alternatives: nuclear,
solar, wind, coal? How do countries balance short-term need for energy to
drive growth with longer-term effects on the economy and environment? Is
regional cooperation on energy a real possibility, given different
strategic interests?
Speakers: Chen Tonghai, Chairman & CEO,
Sinopec Linda Cook, Chief Executive, Shell Gas and Power, and Managing
Director, Royal Dutch Petroleum Company Anne Lauvergeon, Chairman of
the Executive Board, Areva Ma Kai, Minister, National Development and
Reform Commission, People’s Republic of China William A. McDonough,
Chairman, China-U.S. Center for Sustainable Development
Moderator: Clay Chandler, Asia Editor,
15.15-16.05 |
Not everyone paints a rosy picture about the current world economy and
the outlook going forward. In this session, we'll hear three different
views on what may be looming beyond the horizon if we don't heed the
warning signs. Blackstone Chairman Pete Peterson and Morgan Stanley's
chief economist Stephen Roach will share their visions of an inevitable
economic meltdown in the U.S. caused by fiscal profligacy and the
corrective action needed to avert it. Noted business consultant C.K.
Prahalad will look at the underclass in India and China as a cause for
concern and make a case for how companies doing business in those
countries can fight poverty with profitability. Renowned Peruvian
economist Hernando de Soto will analyze why capitalism has failed to
translate to other parts of the world and talk about what actions
governments need to take to enable impoverished citizens to turn their
work and savings into productive capital.
Speakers: Cheng Siwei,
Vice Chairman, NPC Standing Committee of the People’s Republic of
China Hernando de Soto, Author, The Mystery of
Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere
Else Peter G. Peterson, Senior Chairman and Co-founder, The
Blackstone Group C.K. Prahalad, Harvey C. Fruehauf Professor of
Business Administration, University of Michigan Business
School Stephen S. Roach, Managing Director and Chief Economist, Morgan
Moderator: Geoff Colvin, Senior Editor at Large,