China Daily News
A bridge connecting China and the world, China Daily iPhone application let
you access the latest information and photos of China wherever you go.
Specifically designed to utilize the features and navigation of the iPhone, this
application syncs and downloads the latest news of China directly to the

China Daily iPaper
Looking to have China Daily at your fingertips? Then look no further than the
Chinadaily iPaper app from NewspaperDirect. With The Chinadaily iPaper, all
sections are presented as full-content digital replicas, in their original
layout. The application is free, and you can link your existing account on
Chinadaily Smart Edition to download your favourite publication wherever you

China Daily Digest
China Daily introduces a new feature for the world’s newest mobile trend: the
China Daily Digest application now available on the Apple iPad. China Dailys
customized iPad app allows readers to read and download in-depth reports,
website exclusives, features and analysis to give you unique insights into
Chinas economy, society and culture.

China Daily Video
China Daily Video iPhone application is a window to China, lets you access
video products covering all of Chinas intangible cultural heritages, natural
wonders, interviews with celebrities and coverage of major news events.