Deception Point [ 2006-05-23 08:41 ]
中文譯名: 《終極騙術》
Publisher: Pocket
ISBN: 0671027387
List Price: 75 RMB
Discounted Price(優惠價): 68 RMB
You save: 7 RMB
After a NASA satellite discovers a mysterious
object buried beneath the Arctic ice, a team of scientists is called in to
verify the authenticity of the find. What they discover, however, is a
plot of unimaginable deception that threatens to plunge the world into
controversy--a vicious, high-ranking conspiracy that may lead all the way
to the White House.
Struggling to rebound from a series of
embarrassing blunders that have jeopardized its political life at the
start of this lively thriller, NASA makes an astounding discovery: there
is a meteor embedded deep within the arctic ice. And it isn't just any
meteor. Inside the huge rock, which crashed to earth in 1716, are fossils
of giant insects proof of extraterrestrial life. Yet, given NASA's
slipping reputation, the question arises: Is the meteor real or a fake?
That uncertainty dogs NASA and its supporters in Brown's latest
page-flipper, a finely polished amalgam of action and intrigue. Trying to
determine the truth are intelligence agent Rachel Sexton and popular
oceanographer Michael Tolland, both among the first to suspect something
is amiss when the meteor is pulled from the ice. Their doubts quickly make
them the targets of a mysterious death squad controlled by someone or
something that doesn't want the public to hear the meteor may be a fraud.
Together, Sexton and Tolland scramble across arctic glaciers, take refuge
on ice floes, are rescued by a nuclear submarine, then find themselves
trapped aboard a small research vessel off the coast of New Jersey. All
the while, the nation's capital is buzzing as to whether NASA has engaged
in deception. Or is NASA just a dupe for aerospace companies that have long
wanted a bigger share of space contracts? Brown (Angels & Demons) moves
into new territory with his latest. It's an excellent thriller a big
yet believable story unfolding at breakneck pace, with convincing settings and
just the right blend of likable and hateful characters. He's also done his research, folding in
sophisticated scientific and military details that make his plot far more fulfilling than the
norm. |