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![]() Children asked for a new sibling, pet or a 'dad' for Christmas, a survey has shown. |
A 'dad' is tenth most popular Christmas list request for children with youngsters happy to forgo the latest iPad, toy or new pet, a survey has found. When it comes to Christmas, it might be safe to assume children will ask Santa for an extensive list of toys, games and treats. But a survey of their typical lists for Father Christmas has shown many have more serious concerns, requesting "a dad" instead. A study of 2,000 British parents found most children will put a new baby brother or sister at the top of their Christmas list, closely followed by a request for a real-life reindeer. A "pet horse" was the third most popular choice, with a "car" making a bizarre entry at number four. Despite their material requests, the tenth most popular Christmas wish on the list was a "Dad". The survey, of consumers at Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City, found children aged three to 12 years also wanted a dog, chocolate and a stick of rock. Traditional hopes for a white Christmas were represented by a wish for "snow" in ninth place, with sensible youngsters also requesting a "house". Of the top 50 festive requests, 17 related to pets and animals, with some imaginative children hoping for a donkey, chicken and elephant. iPhones and iPads also appeared on the list, with some quirky children asking for the moon, a time machine, a pond cover and beetroot. One child asked for Eva Longoria and another wanted Harry Styles from One Direction. A request for a "mum" reached number 23 on the list. (Agencies)
一項調查發現,“老爸”成為最受孩子歡迎的圣誕節禮物之一,排在孩子圣誕節心愿單的第十位。孩子們情愿為此放棄最新款iPad、玩具或新寵物。 一到圣誕節,不用想也知道孩子們會向圣誕老人索要各種各樣的玩具、游戲和美食。 不過,一項針對孩子們向圣誕老人提出的禮物心愿單的調查顯示,許多孩子有著更為沉重的心愿,他們想要的禮物是“老爸”。 這一涵蓋了2000名英國父母的調查發現,大多數孩子最想要的圣誕禮物是多個小弟弟或小妹妹,其次最想要的禮物是一只真正的馴鹿。 第三大受歡迎的圣誕禮物是小馬駒,汽車意想不到地排在了第四位。 盡管孩子們想要的禮物多為實物,但“老爸”卻排在了圣誕禮物心愿單的第十位。 這一面向Westfield London和Westfield Stratford City購物中心的消費者的調查發現,年齡在3歲和12歲之間的小孩也很想得到狗、巧克力和硬棒糖。 人們對圣誕節的傳統愿望是下雪,這一愿望在孩子的心愿單上排名第九,一些理智的小孩則希望得到一個房子。 在排名前50的圣誕禮物心愿中,有17個是寵物或動物,有些想象力豐富的小孩希望能收到驢子、雞和大象作禮物。 iPhone手機和iPad平板電腦也躋身圣誕禮物心愿單之列,有些想法離奇的孩子想要月亮、時光機、池塘蓋子和甜菜。有個小孩想要的禮物是美國演員伊娃?朗格利亞,還有一個小孩想要單向樂隊的主唱哈里?斯泰爾斯。 “媽媽”在孩子的圣誕心愿單上排名第23。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 陳丹妮) |
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