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一周新聞熱詞榜,一網打盡trending news。CHINADAILY手機報新一期熱詞榜發榜啦!
1. 習近平會晤默克爾
Xi meets Merkel
President Xi Jinping Thursday told visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel that China will work with Germany to push bilateral ties to a higher level.
He said China and Germany must set an example of win-win cooperation, take the lead in promoting China-Europe ties, advocate the new type of international relations and override the ideological differences for cooperation. "This should be the direction that bilateral ties will move to in the next stage," said Xi.
雙方要保持高層密切交往(maintain high-level exchange),加強對雙邊關系的頂層設計(enhance top-down planning on bilateral ties),鼓勵兩國各領域交流合作,用好機制性對話(give full play to dialogue mechanisms),我們歡迎德國抓住中國新一輪開放機遇;
要以科技創新為引領,共同做大蛋糕、做大產業、做大市場,雙方可以在未來產業領域開展更多合作(expand industrial and market cooperation),共同開拓第三方市場(jointly explore the third-party markets);
要以人文合作為抓手,夯實兩國友好的民意基礎(enhance cultural and people-to-people exchanges to consolidate the basis of friendship);
要展現中德兩國的責任和擔當,共同應對各種全球性挑戰,我們愿繼續同德方在多邊框架內一道推進全球治理和多邊主義(promote global governance and multilateralism together with Germany within the multilateral frameworks),在推動解決熱點難點問題方面加強溝通合作。
合作共贏 win-win cooperation
新型國際關系 a new type of international relations
超越意識形態 override the ideological differences
全球治理 global governance
全方位戰略伙伴關系 an all-dimensional strategic partnership
2. 貿易戰
trade war
China and the US issued a joint statement on Saturday on economic and trade consultations, vowing not to launch a trade war against each other.
根據國家主席習近平和美國總統特朗普的指示,17日至18日,中方代表團和美方代表團就貿易問題進行了建設性磋商(conduct constructive consultations on trade issues)。雙方同意,將采取有效措施實質性減少美對華貨物貿易逆差(take effective measures to substantially decrease the US trade deficit in goods with China)。為滿足中國人民的消費需求(meet the consumption needs of the Chinese people)和促進高質量經濟發展(propel the high-quality economic development of China),中方將大量增加自美購買商品和服務(significantly increase its purchase of US goods and service)。這也有助于美國經濟增長和就業(economic development and employment)。
雙方同意有意義地增加美國農產品和能源出口(increase the export of US agriculture and energy products),美方將派團赴華討論具體事項。雙方就擴大制造業產品和服務貿易(the expansion of trade on manufactured goods and service)進行了討論,就創造有利條件(create favorable conditions)增加上述領域的貿易達成共識(reach consensuses)。雙方高度重視知識產權保護(intellectual property protection),同意加強合作(promote cooperation in this regard)。中方將推進包括《專利法》(Patent Law)在內的相關法律法規修訂工作(revision of related laws and regulations)。雙方同意鼓勵雙向投資(two-way investment),將努力創造公平競爭營商環境(business environment)。雙方同意繼續就此保持高層溝通(maintain high-level contacts),積極尋求解決各自關注的經貿問題。
經濟轉型 economic restructuring
經濟全球化 economic globalization
反傾銷 anti-dumping
出口配額 export quotas
不正當競爭 unfair competition
全球金融體系 global financial system
保護主義 protectionism
3. 朝美會晤
DPRK-US summit
US President Donald Trump on Thursday sent a letter to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)'s top leader, Kim Jong-un, to cancel their planned Singapore summit on June 12.
就在特朗普宣布取消與金正恩舉行朝美會晤(DPRK-US summit)的幾小時前,白宮發布了一封特朗普致金正恩的公開信。特朗普在信中說,他十分期待與金正恩在新加坡會晤(he was very much looking forward to being in Singapore with Kim),但朝方在近日展現出"極大怒氣與公開敵意(tremendous anger and open hostility)",他認為當前已不適合舉行這次計劃已久的會晤(it was inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting)。特朗普還說,他認為朝方此次"錯失良機",但仍非常期待未來能與金正恩會面。他感到自己與金正恩已建立起良好的對話(a wonderful dialogue was building up between Kim and him),而最終真正起作用的仍將是對話(it is only that dialogue that matters)。
特朗普宣布上述決定后,朝鮮副外相(vice foreign minister)發表談話表示,朝美領導人亟需會晤,為了與美國總統特朗普的會晤能成行,朝鮮最高領導人金正恩付出了最大努力(make the utmost effort),但美國依然宣布取消會晤,這與國際社會期盼朝鮮半島及全世界的和平與穩定的意愿背道而馳(do not conform to the international community's aspiration for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the whole world)——不過,對話的大門依然敞開,朝方愿隨時與美方一起解決問題(Pyongyang is open to resolving issues with Washington at any time)。
就在特朗普宣布取消與金正恩舉行美朝會晤(US-DPRK summit)的幾小時前,朝鮮于當地時間24日拆毀了豐溪里核試驗場(demolish its nuclear test site at Punggye-ri)。
當天,朝方邀請了中俄美韓英五國記者見證了試驗場的拆除(invite journalists from China, Russia, the US, Republic of Korea and Britain to witness the site's dismantlement)。豐溪里核試驗場(nuclear test ground)的3個試驗井先后被爆破拆除(three tunnels of the test site were blown up),所有地面建筑,包括觀測所(observation post)、警備設施(guard facilities)等均被炸毀。朝鮮核武研究所在一份聲明中指出,停止核試驗是面向全球核裁軍(nuclear disarmament)的重要環節,朝方將與全世界所有愛好和平的人民一道為建設無核世界而攜手并進。
和談 peace talk
和平進程 peace process
非暴力 non-violence
核安全 nuclear security
核泄漏 nuclear leakage
無核化 denuclearization
4. 汽車進口關稅
automobile import tariffs
China will slash import tariffs for automobiles and vehicle components starting July 1 as part of its efforts to further open up the world's largest car market, the Ministry of Finance said on Tuesday.
汽車進口關稅(automobile import tariffs)主要由關稅(tariff)、消費稅(consumption tax)、增值稅(value-added tax)三部分構成。其中消費稅是根據進口汽車排氣量(imported automobiles' exhaust)而定的,排氣量越大的汽車消費稅越高。相對于原本高昂的價格,降低關稅可以有效減少進口車一部分的價格。據財政部網站消息稱,目前稅率為20-25%的汽車整車稅率(automobile tariffs)將降至15%;目前稅率為8%-25%的汽車零部件稅率將降至6%。
中國汽車流通協會有形市場分會常務副理事長蘇暉表示,此次下調關稅對豪華車市場(luxury car market)的影響最大,而對中端車和經濟型轎車(intermediate and economy cars)影響相對較小。由于高檔車(premium car)本身價格就很高昂,如果下調10%對價格成本的影響就會很大。行業分析人士稱,下調汽車及零部件進口關稅將降低進口汽車售價(make imported vehicles less expensive),利好國內廣大消費者(benefit the vast number of consumers in China)并鼓勵行業競爭(encourage competition in the industry)。
關稅壁壘 tariff barrier
零關稅 zero tariff
最惠國待遇 the most favored nation (MFN) status
貿易自由化 trade liberalization
自貿區 free trade zone
5. 線上法律服務
online legal services
The Ministry of Justice officially launched an online legal services platform on Sunday.
司法部在新聞發布會上表示,群眾可以在中國法律服務網上聯系司法部委派的律師尋求法律咨詢(contact lawyers entrusted by the ministry for legal advice),搜索法律援助信息(search information about legal aid)、調解及其他司法服務方面的信息。據介紹,中國法律服務網匯聚全國公共法律服務資源,整合38萬多家法律服務機構(legal service agencies)和139萬多名法律服務人員數據,提供法律事務咨詢(legal affairs advice)、法律服務指引(legal service consultation)、法律法規與案例查詢(search information about laws and regulations and cases)、信用信息公開(disclosure of credit information)等服務功能。
中國法律服務網的總體架構為"一張網絡,兩級平臺(two platforms in one network)",由一張網絡覆蓋全地域、全業務,縱向由部、省兩級平臺組成,平臺之間通過數據共享交換系統實現聯通,橫向包括門戶網站、"掌上12348"微信公眾號、移動客戶端。網站的智能法律咨詢系統提供24小時在線自助服務,根據公眾輸入的問題,系統自動生成免費的"法律咨詢意見書",目前已實現婚姻問題(marriage issues)、勞動糾紛(labor disputes)、工傷賠償(work-related injury compensation)等6類案件類型。
下一步司法部將通過法網建設,進一步融合公共法律服務實體、熱線和網絡(further integrate the platforms of public legal service units, hotline and websites)三大平臺,科學配置法律服務資源,全面提升公共法律服務能力和水平(improve capability and quality of public legal service)。
依法治國 law-based governance of the country
依法執政 law-based exercise of state power
依法行政 law-based administration of government
法治體系 rule of law system
于法有據 have a legal basis
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(來源:CHINADAILY手機報 編輯:丁一、馬文英、丹妮)
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