影片對白 Did you bat your eyes? You know, it doesn't work if you don't bat your eyes.
3. A Karl in disguise
In disguise 的意思是“喬裝的,偽裝的,化妝的”。A Karl in disguise從字面上看來是“喬裝的卡爾”,實際的意思是說“另一個卡爾(和卡爾同樣的人)”。比如:I don't like your boyfriend. I think he's a John in disguise. (John is your ex-boyfriend.)我不喜歡你的男朋友,他不過是另一個約翰罷了。
4. Screw up
在俚語中“弄糟,搞砸”的意思。比如:The engineers screwed up the entire construction plan. 工程師們把整個施工計劃搞砸了。
Screw和up 和在一起就成了名詞screw-up,意思也是“弄糟,搞砸”。
5. Piss off
有兩個意思,一個是to make or become angry,比如:That letter pissed me off. 那封信把我氣壞了。另一個是to go away / leave,比如:Piss off and stop bothering me. 走開,別再煩我。
6. In a rut
“照慣例,照老規(guī)矩,墨守成規(guī)”。Mama Solis認為自己年紀大了,身材走形了,不應該再花那么多金錢和時間在買衣服上了,這也是很多上年紀的女人的想法。Gabrielle 則告訴她“不要抱著這種傳統(tǒng)的想法”。我們來看個例子:We go to the seashore every summer-we're in a rut. 每年夏天我們都去海邊,這已成為慣例。
7. Spice up
To spice up means to make it more appealing or sexy。“辣妹”的英文就是Spice Girls,兩相對照聯(lián)想,你應該會明白是什么意思了吧。比如:Want to spice up a golf game?Add tasty tees. 想為高爾夫球比賽增添趣味?來點別致的球座吧。
8. Form-fitting
“貼身的,緊身的”。比如“緊身衣服”:a form-fitting cloth。
Origins of Wedding China
Once upon a time, a Polish king imprisoned a young alchemist and demanded he invent porcelain to rival pieces made by the Chinese--or die. Thus begins the true story behind fine china coveted by newlyweds everywhere, no matter how long they've been married.
When the prisoner finally succeeded in 1709, King Augustus the Strong created a factory in Meissen, Germany, and filled his treasury with gaily painted cups, saucers and other items. The rest he controlled for sale, making himself one of the most powerful rulers in Europe as money poured in. At the time, porcelain was considered more valuable than gold.
Today, fine china is still charged with allure, with extraordinary patterns and colors, coming out of factories and ateliers almost daily.
1. 別再對那家伙拋媚眼了。他是不會在乎你的。
2. 這是新的工程計劃,別再搞糟了。
3. 你穿那件緊身衣服很好看。
Desperate Housewives 1《絕望主婦》1(精講之四)考考你 參考答案
1. She used to see herself as a career woman. And a hugely successful one at that.
2. They're much calmer when they're not bouncing off one another.
3. He's got this dark thing going on.
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