Harmison: What are you doing here? Are you hurt?
Santiago: No, no, no, no. I got great news.
Harmison: What?
Santiago: I made the reserve squad.
Harmison: Oh, that's great.
Santiago: I've only one week left on my trial. I mean, this game is make-or-break. If the boss sees me do well, he'll keep me on.
Harmison: I'm sure he will.
Man: Halt. Do you play for Newcastle?
Santiago: Yeah.
Man: Well, sign your name on that.
Santiago: OK.
Harmison: They'll all be asking for your autograph soon. You know.
Santiago: Will that bother you? What is your problem with footballers?
Harmison: I don't have a problem with football. It's fame I have a problem with. It's my dad's fault. He was in a rock band that got hot for five minutes.
Santiago: No way. Would I know him?
Harmison: I doubt it. I was only three. Anyway, the point is, some of the players remind me of him. One minute they're nice, uncomplicated guys and the next they're ridiculously rich arseholes who walk out on their families.
Santiago: It was my mother who left mine.
Coach: Sit down. Pay attention. The Dagger's hamstring seems be holding up, so we’re going to give him a half. Santiago, I want you on the right flank. Keep track the number eight. He's a slippery bugger.
Jamie: I'll translate that for you later.
Coach: Jamie. I want you toslot in behind the two strikers. Remember, don't let 'em panic you into playing football.
Man: Howay.
Coach: Right. Come on. Let's go.
Footballers: Let'skick some arse, fellas. Come on, boys. Let's go. Let's do this.
1. Keep on
Keep on 這里是表示“Maintain an existing situation保持現狀”,例如:After Mr. Brown died, the housekeeper wondered if she would be kept on.
Keep on 常用的是表示“持續做某事,堅持做某事”,例如:If you keep on singing they'll ask you to leave.
2. Halt
Halt 這里表示“停,站住”,是一個很有趣的表達。我們以前學過的類似意思的表達還有hang on,也是表示讓對方“暫?!薄@纾?/font>
Halt! Who goes there? 站住!誰?
3. Walk out on
這個片語的意思是“Desert, abandon拋棄”,例如:He walked out on his wife and five children.
4. Slot in
Slot in 指的是“置于或分配到一個位置上”,這里是教練在給球員分配位置,他想讓Jamie 在兩個前鋒之間。
5. Howay
英國東北部方言,俚語,意思相當于“come on”,“hurry up” 等等。例如:Howay man!
6. Kick some arse/ass
這里的意思是“To put all one's effort into winning”,大約球隊在大比賽之前都會這么說吧:OK lads, let's get out on the pitch and kick some ass.
文化面面觀 Newcastle United Football Club 紐卡斯爾聯隊
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