艾薇塔其人: 艾薇塔的本名是艾薇塔?瑪麗亞?杜阿緹,她出生于1919年5月6日,在阿根廷首都布依諾斯埃利斯不遠的一個叫 La Union 的小村子里。她是他五個私生子里最小的一個......
(1934年,15歲的Evita在家鄉(xiāng)Junin的夜總會結(jié)識歌手情人Agustin Magaldi。她央求他帶她去大城市布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)。Magaldi起初不愿意,但最終Evita還是如愿以償。以下為相關(guān)情節(jié)對白。)
Evita: To think that a man as famous as you are could love a poor little nothing like me.
Magaldi: Eva.
Evita: I wanna be a part of B.A. Buenos Aires, Big Apple(注:這里指Buenos Aires,但"Big Apple"實際是紐約城的別稱).
Evita's family: She wants to be a part of B.A. Buenos Aires, Big Apple.
Ché: Just listen to that. They're on to you Magaldi. I'd get you out while you can.
Evita: It's happened at last. I'm starting to get started. I'm moving out with my man.
Magaldi: Now Eva, don't get carried away.
Evita: Monotony past, suburbia departed. Who could ever be fond of the back of beyond?
Magaldi: Don't hear words that I didn't say.
Evita's family: What's that? You'd desert the girl you love?
Magaldi: The girl I love? What are you talking about?
Evita's family: She really brightened up your out-of-town engagement. She gave you all she had. She wasn't in your contract(婚約). You must be quite relieved that no one's told the papers, so far!
Evita: I wanna be a part of B.A. Buenos Aires, Big Apple. Would I ever done what I did if I hadn't thought, if I hadn't known? We would stay together.
Evita's brother: Seems to me there's no point in resisting. She's made up her mind. You've no choice. Why don't you be the man who discovered her? You'll never be remembered for your voice.
Magaldi: The city can be paradise for those who have the cash, the class and the connections, (and) what you need to make a splash. The likes of you get swept up in the morning with the trash if you were rich or middle class...
Evita: Screw the middle classes! I will never accept them!
1. to think that...: 想不到、想想看。Evita對Magaldi說:“想不到你在藝壇名氣響當(dāng)當(dāng),竟愛我這個窮途落魄的女郎。”來看例句:
To think that he has become a minister! 想不到他居然當(dāng)了部長。
To think that in just a few days we'll be parting. 想不到只有幾天我們就要分別了。
To think that in three day's time our holiday will be over and we'll have to get back to the grindstone. 想想看,七天后假期一過,我們又得回去工作了。(注:get back to the grindstone指回到工作崗位,尤指枯燥艱苦的工作)
2. be on to: 這個習(xí)語意思是“知道,了解,識透,對……找岔子”。這句臺詞可以翻譯為:“他們在找你的麻煩,Magaldi,讓我?guī)湍?span style="mso-ascii-font-family: ' Times: ; mso-hansi-font-family: &apos">趁早抽身吧。”來看例句:
None of us will lend you any money; we're all on to you. 我們誰也不會再借錢給你了,我們已看透你了。
We don't like the new leader, for he is always on to us. 我們不喜歡新來的領(lǐng)導(dǎo),因為他老找我們岔子。
順便說一句,英語口語中還有一句習(xí)語叫 be on to a good thing, 其意為“找到舒適或待遇高的工作”、“過著舒服的生活”。如:
She's on to a good thing in her new job: high wages, practically no income tax and a rent-free house. 她找到的新的工作可真舒服:工資高,幾乎不必納所得稅,而且還有一座免交租金的房子。
get carried away: 忘乎所以,昏昏然,過于投入。Evita興奮地準(zhǔn)備跟著Magaldi離開,設(shè)想著美好未來,Magaldi潑了一瓢冷水:“Eva,現(xiàn)在可別得意忘形了。”
I guess my envy makes me get carried away. 我猜想是我的嫉妒心讓我昏了頭。
He tends to get carried away when watching wrestling on TV. 他一看電視中的摔跤就很興奮.
Don't get carried away! Be a little more levelheaded. 不要忘乎所以!冷靜一點。(注:levelheaded形容頭腦冷靜的、清醒的,正好是get carried away的反義詞。)
4. brighten up: 字面意思是“使...變得亮堂,使...熠熠生輝”,這個短語還可以引申為“使開心、使振作”等等。Evita的家人唱到:“她真的讓你這異地婚約熠熠生輝。”
Flowers brighten up a room. 花朵讓房間滿室生輝。
Only one thing brighten up the scene. 只有一件事讓人開心。
Come, brighten up; we shall be all right again. 振作起來吧;咱們將來一定會好起來的。
5. make a (big) splash:splash就是濺起的水,這個習(xí)語形容“轟動一時”。劇中,Magaldi抱怨道:“這城市是天堂,只要你有錢有地位有關(guān)系,還要有其他讓你顯聲勢的東西。”來看例句:
The invention will make a splash in the whole world. 這項發(fā)明將在全世界引起了轟動。
These new fashion sneakers are making a big splash this summer. 這些新款運動鞋今年夏天風(fēng)行一時。
艾薇塔其人: 艾薇塔的本名是艾薇塔?瑪麗亞?杜阿緹,她出生于1919年5月6日,在阿根廷首都布依諾斯埃利斯不遠的一個叫 La Union 的小村子里。她是他五個私生子里最小的一個......