Marty: Welcome to Casa del Wild(野外之家). Take a load off. Hey, hey, wipe your feet.
Gloria: Alex!
Marty: Mi casa is su casa(我的家就是你的家).
Alex: Very impressive.
Marty: Hey, have a drink. It's on the house.
Alex: This is seawater.
Marty: Oh, you don't swallow it. It's just temporary till the plumbing's done. Hey, you all look hungry. How would you like some of nature's goodness?
Gloria: You have food?
Marty: The Fun Side Special, coming up. Seaweed on a stick.
Alex: Seaweed?
Marty: On a stick. Don't love it till you try it.
Melman: Unbelievable.
Gloria: So good.
Marty: Well, thanks. It does kind of hit the spot, doesn't it? Well, maybe it could use a little lemon.
Alex: No, it's great. It's really great. Doesn't get any better than this.
Marty: Oh, but it does. Check this out.
Gloria: Wow. Would you look at that.
Alex: It's like billions and billions of helicopters.
Marty: It's a shooting star. Make a wish. Quick!
Alex: Ooh! How about a thick, juicy steak?
Marty: You know what, Alex? I promise you I'm gonna find you a steak tomorrow even it kills me.
Alex: Thanks, Marty.
Melman: It is getting late. I guess I'm gonna...
Gloria: I think I'm gonna hit the sack too. Sweet dreams, everyone.
Marty: Alex. What are you doing?
Alex: Twenty-seven, 28, 29. Thirty black and only 29 white. Looks like you're black with white stripes after all. Dilemma solved. Good night.
Julien: You see, Maurice, Mr. Alex was grooming his friend. He is clearly a tender, loving thing. How can you have the heebie-jeebies(俗語:焦慮、緊張、沮喪)for Mr. Alex? Look at him. He's so cute and plushy.
Maurice: I don't think he was grooming him, Julien. Look more like he was tasting him to me.
Julien: Suit yourself, no matter. I don't care. Soon we will put my excellent plan to action. All we have to do is wait until they are deep in their sleep. How long is this going to take?!
1.Take a load off:字面意思就是“卸下負擔”,作為固定短語表示“休息、了結、消除”。Marty熱情地招呼Alex:“歡迎來到野外之家!請來休息一下。嘿,嘿,先擦擦腳。”來看例句:
Most snack bars have places for you to take a load off and sit for awhile. 大多數的小賣部都有地方讓你坐下來休息一會兒。
If this is really true, it'll take a load off my mind. 果真如此,我放心了。
Take a load off and have a drink. We have some time to kill. 坐下來休息一下,喝一杯,我們有足夠的時間來消磨。
2. hit the spot:太好了,真過癮,真痛快,等等。總的來說,這短語用來對某事物給予非常積極的評價,例如:
A hot bath really hit the spot. 洗個熱水澡真痛快。
A nightcap would hit the spot. 睡前的喝點酒最愜意。
That cutlet-and-rice dish really hit the spot. 那個牛肉飯很合口味。
hit the big spot在美國俚語中則表示“狂飲作樂”。
3. hit the sack:去睡覺。Gloria說:“我也要去睡覺了。大家做個好夢。”來看例句:
Louis was so tired that he hit the sack soon after supper. 路易斯太累了,所以吃過晚飯早早上床睡覺了。
Come on, folks; it's eleven o'clock—time to hit the sack. 各位快點,11點了——該上床睡覺了。