精彩對白:You want to know about the dads? I'll tell you about the dads. They're chubby, bald, steakeating, cigarsmoking, type A pigs who get more turned on by the Bloomberg Wire than they do by any hot nannies.
Clowns are comical performers, stereotypically characterized by their grotesque appearance: colored wigs, stylistic makeup, outlandish costumes, unusually large footwear, etc., who entertain spectators by acting in a hilarious fashion. The types of their acts varies greatly. Although many find clowns to be scary, their intended purpose is to entertain people, especially young kids. Peter Berger writes that "It seems plausible that folly and fools, like religion and magic, meet some deeply rooted needs in human society."
Clown types

Traditionally, the whiteface clown uses "clown white" makeup to cover his or her entire face and neck with none of the underlying flesh color showing. In the European whiteface makeup, the ears are painted red. Features, in red and black, are delicate. He or she is traditionally costumed far more extravagantly than the other two clown types, sometimes wearing the ruffled collar and pointed hat which typify the stereotypical "clown suit".

The auguste character-type is often an anarchist, a joker, or a fool. He is clever and has much lower status than the whiteface. Classically the whiteface character instructs the auguste character to perform his bidding. The auguste has a hard time performing the task given which leads to funny situations. Sometimes the auguste plays the role of an anarchist and purposefully has trouble following the whiteface's directions. Sometimes the auguste is confused or is foolish and is screwing up less deliberately.
The contra-auguste
The contra-auguste plays the role of the mediator between the whiteface character and the auguste character. He has a lower status than the whiteface but a higher status than the auguste. He aspires to be more like the whiteface and often mimics everything the whiteface does to try to gain approval. If there is a contra-auguste character, he often is instructed by the whiteface to correct the auguste when he is doing something wrong.
In the movie we come across French clown. "French clown" usually appears in whiteface, typically with very little other color on the face.
1. 她沒完沒了地聊著她那平淡無趣的私事。
2. 我解釋我把事情搞砸了。
3. 滑雪跳不是他的強項.
4. 他試圖挽回他早些時候的失敗。
Nanny Diaries 《保姆日記》精講之二參考答案
1. Refrain from arguing with your mate.
2. Any small interruption is likely to throw off my calculations.
3. Counting is the germ of arithmetic.
4. Jenny has been waitlisted for that university.
精彩對白:You want to know about the dads? I'll tell you about the dads. They're chubby, bald, steakeating, cigarsmoking, type A pigs who get more turned on by the Bloomberg Wire than they do by any hot nannies.