Bella’s father: Well, probably be late for dinner. I gotta head down to Mason County. Security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal.
Bella: An animal?
Bella’s father: You're not in Phoenix anymore, Bells. Anyway, I figured I'd lend a hand.
Bella: Be careful.
Bella’s father: Always am.
Bella: And thanks for the tires.
Bella’s father: Yeah.
(Thunder rumbling)
Eric: Prom Committee is a chick thing, but I gotta cover it for the paper anyway, and they need a guy to help choose the music, so I need your play list. Hey, listen, I was wondering, did you have a date to...
Mike: What's up, Arizona? Huh? How you liking the rain, girl? Better get used to it, girl.
Eric: Yeah, Mike, hey, you're real cute, man.
Mike: Oh, I know...That was really awesome.
Eric: Why you shooting down my game? Let a playa play.
Mike: Yeah, okay. What you playing at, T-Ball?
Edward: Hello. I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself last week. I'm Edward Cullen. You're Bella?
Bella: Yes.
Teacher: Onion root tip cells, that's what's on your slides right now. Okay? So, separate and label them into the phases of mitosis, and the first partners that get it right are gonna win the Golden Onion.
(Students catcalling)
BOY: All right, good.
Edward: Ladies first.
(Students chattering indistinctly)
Bella: You were gone.
Edward: Yeah. I was out of town for a couple of days. Personal reasons.
Bella: Prophase.
Edward: Do you mind if I look? It's prophase.
Bella: Like I said.
Edward: So are you enjoying the rain?
(Anxious laugh)
Bella: What? You're asking me about the weather?
Edward: Yeah, I...I guess I am.
Bella: Well, I don't really like the rain. Any cold, wet thing, I don't really...What?
Edward: Nothing.
Edward: It's anaphase.
Bella: You mind if I check?
Edward: Sure.
Bella: Anaphase.
Edward: Like I said.
Edward: If you hate the cold and the rain so much, why'd you move to the wettest place in the continental US?
Bella: It's complicated.
Edward: I'm sure I can keep up.
Bella: My mom remarried, and...
Edward: So you don't like the guy, or...
Bella: No, that's not...Phil's really nice.
(Gentle theme playing)
Edward: It's metaphase. You want to check it?
Bella: I believe you.
妙語佳句 活學活用
1. head down to: 南下。down指“向南方”,相對地,up指“向北方”。head在這里的意思是“朝特定方向行進”。例如:head toward town(朝城里去)。
又如:He changed his mind and headed back to Nanjing.(他改變主意回南京去了。)
2. lend a hand: 助一臂之力。影片中Bella的父親是一名警察,因為發生了神秘血案,所以他要趕往相助。請看例子:
Please lend a hand with my book. 請幫我拿一下書。
3. chick thing: 女孩子們的事情。chick有“少女、小妞”的意思。
4. cover: 采訪,報導。影片中Eric想追Bella,所以借報導班級舞會委員會為借口和Bella搭訕,希望她能做他的舞伴,但是話還沒說完就被Mike打斷了。
5. game: 獵物。在這里Eric把Bella比喻成獵物,而Mike打斷Eric就像把他覬覦的獵物給打落一樣。
6. playa: 交過很多女朋友的人。
7. T-Ball: 兒童(簡易)棒球(運動)。影片中Mike聽懂了Eric的話,但是他很不以為然,所以就小小地嘲笑了他一下。
8. mitosis: 細胞有絲分裂
9. prophase: (細胞核分裂的)前期;初期
10. anaphase: (細胞核分裂之)第三期,后期
11. keep up: 跟得上。請看例子:keep up in a race (在賽跑中不落后)
12. metaphase: (細胞分裂)中期