James: There we go, this one...This one is from the UN building. Flaming car, dead man's switch... Boom. This guy was great, I like him. Ah... Look at this one. This one, y'all, is from our first call together. This box is full of stuff that almost killed me.
Eldridge: And what about this one? Where's this one from, Will?
James: It's my wedding ring. Like I said, stuff that almost killed me. You know, I just think it's really interesting to hold something in your hand that could have killed anyone.
Sanborn: Damn that, It's all shit from radio shack.
James: It's interesting.
Eldridge: I think it's interesting too.
Sanborn: Well, I think you hit me harder than I hit you therefore I owe you a punch. Now get your ass up, C'mon.
Eldridge: C'mon, He's right. Let's go, C'mon, All right, hold on, boys. We need some rules, Sanborn, no face shots.
Sanborn: Oh, there's gonna be a face shot. Sergeant James, take off your shirt.
James: Yes, sir.
Eldridge: What happened?
James: My momma dropped me when I was a baby,
Eldridge: Looks like frag scars.
Sanborn: Let it go, Eldridge, C'mon.
Eldridge: All right,
James: Nice and big.
Sanborn: You like that, huh?
James: That's all you got?
Sanborn: Come on. Bring some, C'mon,
James: Wooh, God damn!
Eldridge: That's gotta hurt.
James: You all right, man?
Eldridge: Oh, he's all right.
James: Get up, bitch. All right, bitch. What do you got now? What do you got?
Sanborn: Get off me, you mother fucker.
James: What do you got? What do you got?
Sanborn: Wooh, he's a wild one. We got a wild one.
Eldridge: C'mon, Sanborn. Get him. That's right.
James: Ride him, baby.
Sanborn: Get off me. Get off me.
James: Hey, hey, hey! I'm just kidding, motherfucker, shit! You're all right, Sanborn.
Sanborn: You're all right, man.
James: Owen, get this guy a drink. C'mon.
James: You got him?
Eldridge: Yeah, I got him,
James: All right, here.
Eldridge: All right.
James: See you later. Be safe.
Eldridge: All right.
Eldridge: All right, come on big boy. Damn, boy, you need to get on a diet. He hurt his knee,. C'mon, man. Steps. C'mon. Step, step. All right, lay down. All right, Get some rest.
Sanborn: Hey, James, you think I got what it takes to put on the suit?
Eldridge: Hell, no. Night, boy.
妙語佳句 活學活用
1 call together: 召集。詹姆斯的意思是“這來自我們第一次執行任務”。
by the hour together 連續幾小時,不斷地。
closet together [常作被動式]在一起密談。
club together 協作。
flock together 聚集在一起。
gather oneself together 聚精會神,打起精神來準備出力。
get it all together 沉著冷靜,對人生采取積極、堅定的態度。
get oneself together [口]控制住自己的感情。
get people together 把人們集合起來,把人們組織起來。
2 shack: 窩棚,小室。
例如:The boy makes a shack out of the old board in the backyard.(男孩們在后院用舊木板蓋起一間小木屋。)
3 sergeant: 軍士,警官。
例如:The sergeant bawled out a command to his men.(那個中士向士兵大聲發令。)
4 frag: 破片殺傷手榴彈,有殺傷力的手榴彈。
Frag做動詞還可以表示“蓄意殺傷”。例如:The guy was so certain that nobody was going to frag him that he got careless.(那小子自信沒人會謀殺他,因此變得漫不經心、大大咧咧。)
5 get on a diet: 減肥,也可以用go/be on a diet來表示。
6 what it takes: 成功的必要條件,美國俚語。
例如:Susan really has what it takes to be a fashion photographer.(蘇珊真正具備了一名時裝攝影師必要的條件。)