本片段劇情: 瑞恩是一名裁員專家,他的工作就是搭乘飛機奔赴各地為公司解聘職員,并避免法律糾紛。因此他的大部分時間都是在飛機和旅途中度過的。他人生的目標則是乘坐飛機積攢的英里數達到100萬,從而晉升為白金會員。此外,他還是一名小有名氣的勵志演講家,來看看他的“背包理論”吧。
Ryan: Poor Steve has worked here for seven years. He's never had a meeting with me before or passed me in the hall or told me a story in the break room. And that's because I don't work here. I work for another company that lends me out to pussies like Steve's boss who don't have the balls to sack their own employees, and in some cases, for good reason. Because people do crazy shit when they get fired.
Steve: Did I do something wrong? I mean, is there something I could do differently here?
Ryan: This is not an assessment of your productivity. You gotta try not to take this personally.
Steve: "Don't take it personally."
Ryan: Steven, I want you to review this packet. Take it seriously. I think you're gonna find a lot of good answers in here. I'm sure this is gonna be very helpful, a packet.
Steve: Thank you. A packet.
Ryan: Well, anybody who ever built an empire or changed the world sat where you are right now. And it's because they sat there they were able to do it. That's the truth. I'm gonna need your keycard. Great. Okay. Now, I want you to take the day, go get together your personal things, and then tomorrow, you get yourself some exercise. You go out for a jog, you give yourself some routines, and pretty soon you find your legs.
Steve: How do I get in touch with you?
Ryan: Don't worry, we'll be in touch with you soon. This is just the beginning. I'll never see Steve again. Thank you. To know me is to fly with me. This is where I live. When I run my card, the system automatically prompts the desk clerk to greet me with this exact statement.
Clerk: Pleasure to see you again, Mr. Bingham.
Ryan: It's these kinds of systemized, friendly touches that keep my world in orbit. All the things you probably hate about traveling, the recycled air, the artificial lighting, the digital juice dispensers, the cheap sushi, are warm reminders that I'm home.
Waitress: Do you want the cancer?
Ryan: The what?
Waitress: Do you want the cancer?
Ryan: The cancer?
Waitress: The can, sir?
Ryan: No. I'm fine, thank you. How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack. I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders. Feel them? Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life. You start with the little things, the things on shelves and in drawers, the knickknacks, the collectibles. Feel the weight as that adds up. Then you start adding larger stuff, clothes, tabletop appliances, lamps, linens, your TV. The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. And you go bigger. Your couch, bed, your kitchen table. Stuff it all in there. Your car, get it in there. Your home, whether it's a studio apartment or a two-bedroom house, I want you to stuff it all into that backpack. Now try to walk. It's kind of hard, isn't it? This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis. We weigh ourselves down until we can't even move. And make no mistake, moving is living. Now, I'm gonna set that backpack on fire. What do you want to take out of it? Photos? Photos are for people who can't remember. Drink some ginkgo and let the photos burn. In fact, let everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrow with nothing. It's kind of exhilarating, isn't it?
妙語佳句 活學活用
1. break room: 休息室,茶水間。
2. pussy: 貓,小姑娘。瑞恩在這里的意思是“我在另一家公司工作,為斯蒂夫的老板這樣的懦夫出面。”
3. have the balls to do: 有膽量。
Balls在這里比喻“勇氣、膽量”。例如:I don't have the balls to say that.(我可沒有膽量那樣說。)
4. keycard: 門卡,鑰匙卡。
5. take the day: 今天休息,在這里相當于take the day off。瑞恩在這里的意思是“我要你今天就開始休息。”
6. find one's legs: 對自己的能力開始有信心,找到方向,在社會上站穩腳跟。
我們在說幼兒find one's legs時,通常指幼兒開始能站立、行走。而find one's sea-legs則指“開始不暈船,(經過初期暈船后)開始習慣于船上的顛簸”。
7. run the card: 刷卡。
8. recycled air:循環空氣。
9. dispenser:自動售貨機。
我們平時所說的ATM自動取款機全稱為automated teller machine,也稱為cash machine。
10.sushi: 壽司,日本食物,小餅狀冷米飯配生魚片等。
11.weigh down: 壓垮,過度憂慮。
此外,weigh down還可以用來表示“加強”,例如:Jane weighed down her repertory with these plays.(簡加上這幾出戲,使她的演出劇目得到了加強。)
to weigh one's words 斟酌措詞
to weigh on sb 使某人心情沉重
to weigh anchor 起錨