Mrs Simpson: 3,2,1 and booze.
David: Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York.
Mrs Simpson: How lovely to see you both. Welcome to our little country shack.
Bertie's wife: I came at the invitation of the King. Your Majesty.
David: All right.
Bertie's wife: Sorry we're late.
Bertie: Very nice to see you, Mrs Simpson. Very nice. Hello David. Making... some changes to the garden I see.
David: I am. I am not quite finished yet.
Bertie's wife: Don't tell me I behaved badly, Mr Churchill.
Churchill: On the contrary, your Royal Highness. Etiquette decrees royalty should be greeted by the official host: in this case: the King. Not a commoner.
Bertie's wife: Thank you.
Churchill: What is her hold on him?
Bertie's wife: I've no idea. Apparently she has certain...skills, which she learnt in an establishment in Shanghai.
Mrs Simpson: David.
David: just be a sec, darling. Excuse me.
Bertie: David, I've been trying to see you...
David: I've been terribly busy.
Bertie: Doing what?
David: Kinging.
Bertie: Really?
David: Kinging.. is a precarious business these days!
Bertie: Where is the Tsar of Russia? Where is Cousin Wilhelm?
David: You're being dreary.
Bertie: Is Kinging laying off eighty staff and buying yet more pearls for Wallis while there are people marching across Europe singing “The Red Flag”?
David: Stop your worrying. Herr Hitler will sort that lot out.
Bertie: Who'll sort out Herr Hitler?
David: Where's the bloody 23'?
Bertie: And you've put that woman into our mother's suite?
David: Mother's not still in the bed, is she?
Bertie: That's not funny.
David: Here it is, Wally likes the very best.
Bertie: I don't care what woman you carry on with at night, as long as you show up for duty in the morning!
David: Wallis is not just some woman I am carrying on with. We intend to marry
Bertie: Excuse me?
David: She's filing a petition for divorce.
Bertie: Good God. Can't you just give her a nice house and a title?
David: I'm not having her as my mistress.
Bertie: The Church does not recognise divorce and you are the... head of the Church.
David: Haven't I any rights?
Bertie: Many privileges...
David: Not the same thing. Your beloved Common Man may marry for love, Why not me?
Bertie: If you were the Common Man, on what basis could you possibly claim to be King?!
David: Sounds like you've studied our wretched constitution.
Bertie: Sounds like you haven't.
David: Is that what this is all about? Bashing up? Hence the elocution lessons? That's the scoop around town.
Bertie: I'm trying to... to...
David: Yearning for a larger audience are we, B-b-b-bertie?
Bertie: D-don't...
David: What's that? I'm sorry. Young brother trying to push older brother off throne... Po..Po..sitively medieval. Wallis.
Mrs Simpson: Where have you been all this time?
David: I've been talking to.
Mrs Simpson: Never mind. It's very complicated little king you're.
David: I tried to be.
妙語佳句 活學活用
1. booze: 酒宴,豪飲。這里是說“酒宴開始”。
2. country shack: 鄉村小屋。Shack這里就是指“簡陋的小屋,棚屋”。
Shack up with還可以表示“與某人同居”,例如:He was looking for a dame to shack up with when the police picked him up.(他正在找女人鬼混的時候,警察把他逮住了。)
3. commoner: 平民。與之相對的則是aristocrat(貴族)。此外,commoner還可以表示“自費學生”或者“有共用權者”。
4. Tsar of Russia: 俄國沙皇。俄國沙皇尼古拉二世就可以稱為Tsar Nicolas II of Russia。
5. dreary: 沉悶的,枯燥無味的。
例如:You can thank your lucky stars (that) you don't have to go to this dreary reception.(你真走運,不用出席那死氣沉沉的招待會。)
6. sort someone out: 整治,懲罰,收拾(某人)。
下面再向大家介紹一些sort out構成的短語:
separate/sort out the men from the boys 表明╱證明誰有技能(或更勇敢等)
sort out/separate the sheep from the goats 辨別好人和壞人,區分良莠
sort something/somebody/yourself out 妥善處理某人(或自己)的問題
sort itself out 問題自行化解
sort out/separate the wheat from the chaff 識別優劣;分清好壞;去蕪存菁
7. carry on with: 與某人調情。一般指不正當的男女關系。
8. file a petition for divorce: 申請離婚,辦離婚手續。
9. elocution: 演講技巧,演說術。
10.scoop: 搶先報道的新聞,獨家新聞。
例如:She scooped all the national newspapers to get the story.(她搶在全國各報之前發表了這一消息。)