Kevin: Hey, everybody. Hello.
Jack: Kevin.
Kevin: J.B. Oh! Good to see you.
Focker: There he is! The engaged guy!
Kevin: How you doing, man? Oh! What happened to your pointer?
Focker: I had a little incident with the business end of a turkey. It's cool. Where's Svetlana? Yeah! Or should I say, the future gea Kevin Rawley?
Kevin: She broke up with me.
Focker: No. Oh. You're kidding.
Wife: I'm so sorry.
Kevin: Thanks, Pam. You always know exactly the right thing to say to me.
Focker: "I'm so sorry"?
Kevin: My anchor.
Focker: What happened?
Kevin: What?
Focker: What happened?
Kevin: I don't know. I'm still trying to make sense of it myself. We were having some street food outside a government building in Bulgaria and I said, "Hey, you want to get married?" And I took out a little piece of string and I tied the twine around her finger, and she just... She threw it on the ground and said no. Or nyet, 'cause she's Russian. She caught the next plane out of there. Adios, Kevin.
Jack: Your proposal seems way out of character. Why did you put so little effort into it?
Kevin: Greg told me to.
Focker: What are you... Kevin, no, no. What are you talking about? I didn't...
Henry: Daddy? I can't sleep.
Jack: Still in diapers.
Focker: No, Jack, they're pull-ups. We're weaning him off diapers. What's up, man?
Henry: I can't stop thinking about all that blood.
Focker: Really? All right, well, how about I read you a story?
Henry: Uncle Kevin!
Kevin: How you doing, tiger?
Henry: Good.
Kevi: Oh! Wow. Are you having a hard time sleeping?
Henry: Yeah.
Kevin: Oh. There we go.
Focker: Jesus. Henry? Are you...
Kevin: Shh. He's sleeping. He's sleeping. I put him in a still-point. It's a massage technique that relaxes the body by gently easing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. Yeah. Look at him. He's gonna wake up feeling so refreshed. I've been studying a lot of Eastern medicine in my down time. Well, listen, I just came by to say my hellos, so I will head on out.
Focker: Good. Okay.
Wife: Hey, Kev, listen, do you need a place to stay?
Focker: No, he doesn't. You got a place to stay, right? And we're pretty full up.
Kevin: Not a problem. I volunteer at a South Side homeless shelter. So, I'll probably stay there and just work the soup kitchen line in the morning.
Focker: That is so wonderful, Kevin.
Kevin: Yeah, it's funny, I feed them food, but those vagrants and drifters feed my soul, so it works out pretty good for all of us.
Focker: Perfect.
Kevin: We always need extra hands, if you guys wanna come on down tomorrow...
Wife: Actually, Greg and I are taking a tour of this place called the Early Human School tomorrow. But maybe after...
Kevin: You're kidding me, the Early Human School?
Wife: Right.
Kevin: My investment group handles their endowment fund. In fact, the director, Prudence, is a dear friend and ex-lover of mine. I'm gonna put in a good word for you.
Wife: That would be great, wouldn't it?
Kevin: Oh, of course.
Focker: Or not. I mean, you know, she's an ex-lover, I think that'd be awkward.
Kevin: No, nonsense. I'm on great terms with all my ex-lovers.
Wife: Thanks.
Kevin: Sure.
Focker: Okay. All right, well, you know, whatever feels right.
Jack: After the tour, Greg, I was hoping you'd show us your new house. And, Kevin, when you're done feeding the bums, why don't you meet us there?
Kevin: Okay. I'll be there.
Focker: You know what, Jack? I still have some items on the punch list to go through with the contractors, so I'm thinking maybe we should put it off for a few days.
Jack: Ah, no, let's do it tomorrow.
Focker: Well, I think...
Jack: We'll meet you there at noon, Kevin. I don't know. At noon?
Kevin: Yeah, all right.
Jack: Okay. And we're gonna get you through this. Anything you need, you come to me.
Kevin: Okay. Thanks, J.B.
Jack: Yeah.
Focker: Or me.
Kevin: Okay.
Jack: Well, you can come to either of us. Yeah, we're here for you.
Kevin: Thanks.
妙語佳句 活學活用
1. engaged: 已訂婚的,這句話可以翻譯為“這不是我們的訂婚男嘛!”
2. pointer: 食指。下面我們來看看五個手指的英文說法:
食指: forefinger/index finger
中指:middle finger
無名指:ring finger
小指:little finger
3. anchor: 給以安全感的人(或物);精神支柱;頂梁柱
例如:Hope is his only anchor.(希望是他唯一的依靠。)
4. make sense of: 搞清……的意思。這句話可以理解為“我也想弄清楚”。
例如:Can you make sense of what I say?(你能領會我說的意思嗎?)
5. cerebrospinal fluid: 腦脊髓液
6. vagrant:無業游民;流浪者;(尤指)乞丐,和下文中的drifter 和 bum意思類似。
7. put in a good word for you: 為某人美言幾句,說好話。這句話意思是“我會幫你們說些好話的。”
8. on terms: 友好,關系良好。on great terms就是指“關系良好”
例如:It is difficult to keep on terms with such a man.(很難和這樣的人保持友好關系。)
9.punch list: 遺留問題清單,剩余工作清單,也可以指建筑工程中的竣工核查清單,建筑缺陷清單