(keys jingle)
David: Ow.
Katie: My eyes are closed.
David: Close your eyes.
Katie: My eyes are closed.
David: I swear to God, if I'm going to be a captain of industry, we might as well enjoy the perks. You're looking.
Katie: No I'm not.
David: Okay. Do you want to count it down?
Katie: You do it.
David: Five...
Katie: Mm-hmm.
David: ...four, three, two, one. Open them.
Katie: Oh. Ohh. (laughs) Oh my gosh.
David: You like it up there or you want to come down?
Katie: I want to come down.
David: Come on down.
Katie: Hi. It's gonna be so beautiful here. Do you ever think about having kids? Come on. Don't you want a little David running around the house? Pulling at your toes in the morning? Smushing food in your hair? Are you saying no?
David: Can't we just talk more about the apartment and, you know, whether this is going to be a dining room or a living room? Or... you know? (lighter flicks)
Katie: Are you saying "not now" about kids or not ever?
David: Not ever. (groans)
Katie: David...is there something wrong with you?
David: Yeah. There is something wrong with me.
David: (murmuring) Are you saying no? (murmuring continues)
Katie: David?
David: Yeah?
Katie: Are you okay?
Lawyer: David, did you ever have any kind of psychiatric treatment?
David: Well, after my mother died, I was sent to psychiatrists. A lot of them, actually. I didn't find them very helpful.
Lawyer: Was there anyone in your life with whom you did talk openly about your past?
Deborah: David, you cocksucker! Get over here and give me a hug. How are you?
David: Look at her. I swear to God, I had no idea that people like her even existed. She's perfect.
David’s friend: (laughs) What do you mean by perfect?
David: I mean there's nothing that I do that she doesn't like.
David’s friend: She hasn't known you long enough.
Katie: It must be so exciting, having your first book published? You know, I was thinking of taking some classes. Maybe premed.
Deborah: How's, uh...how's David doing working for his dad?
Katie: Oh, he doesn't say or he just says "Okay."
Deborah: Well, that's him. It's like...like when he lost his mother.
Katie: When did she pass away?
Deborah: Pass away? She jumped off the roof, cracked her skull open like a walnut on the driveway. David saw the whole thing. He hid under a table for a week. When he came out, it was... it was like he never had one.
Katie: One what?
Deborah: A mother. And... and that was it. Excuse me, Katie. Smile.
Deborah: She's very sweet.
David: Unbelievable.
Deborah: What?
David: You're the only person I know that can say "sweet" like you're cursing.
Deborah: I did... sweet is a great thing. I wish I was sweet.
David: Yeah, I wish you were sweet too.
Deborah: Mm-hmm.
David: What'd you say to her?
Deborah: Nothing. I didn't say anything to her. We were just talking. I just met her.
David: Nothing? Mm-hmm.
Deborah: Anyway. I've missed you. Quit it! I'm being sweet. I've missed you.
David: I've missed you too.
Deborah: You surprised me a little. You're married to a nice blonde shiksa? (laughing) Well, I wouldn't put it like that. You're working for...you're working for your dad, David? Which you said you'd never do. When's the baby shower?
David: Come on. You know, it's still me.
Deborah: Does that girl know how fucked up you are? No, we're gonna...we're gonna straighten you out, David. We are. I know a great therapist and you're gonna love her because...because she doeshouse calls.
妙語佳句 活學活用
1. perks: 津貼;額外補貼。例如:What perks does this job give you?(這個工作給你什么額外補貼?)
2. count down: 倒數。
3. smush: 壓碎,壓成糊狀。
4. premed: 醫學院預科。
5. driveway: 私人車道。
6. Quit it: 別鬧了。
7. shiksa: 非猶太姑娘。
8. baby shower: 新生兒送禮派對。為了慶祝新生兒誕生所舉辦的溫馨派對。
9. fucked up: 精神不正常的,有神經病的。也可以表示“混亂的,亂糟糟的,被攪成一塌糊涂的”??匆幌吕洌篛ur team fucked up again today.(我們隊今天又輸得一塌糊涂。)
10. straighten out: (使)好轉,(使)改正。請看例子:A warning from the judge should help to straighten him out.(法官的警告該有助于使他改邪歸正。)straighten out也可以表示“整理,清理,澄清”,例如:I don't know how to straighten the mess out.(我不知該如何收拾這個爛攤子。)
11. house calls: 上門診治。