[ 2009-07-07 08:38 ]

在哈利波特中扮演羅恩的演員魯伯特·格林特,最近不幸感染了豬流感。這對于正在拍攝的哈利波特終結篇并不是什么好消息。因擔心傳染劇組的其他演員及工作人員, 攝制組不得不安排魯伯特暫停一周的拍攝,回家修養。
Harry Potter and the Deathly Swine Flu: Ron Weasley actor is first celebrity victim of bug
Perhaps he should have been protected by a magic spell....
The actor who plays schoolboy wizard Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter films has succumbed to swine flu.
Red-haired Rupert Grint was forced to take a week out of filming the latest instalment in the hugely successful series based on the J.K.Rowling bestsellers.
However, Hogwarts, the fictional school for wizards where Harry and his loyal friends Ron and Hermione Granger battle with the evil Lord Voldemort, is unlikely to suffer the same fate as Eton, which was closed for a week in May when swine flu was reported there.
The 20-year-old actor is said to have fully recovered from his bout of the virus and will be able to join other members of the cast – and thousands of adoring fans – for the premiere of Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince in Leicester Square on Tuesday.
In real life, however, Grint was forced to withdraw from the set because of fears that he could infect his fellow cast members.
Swine flu is infecting hundreds of people a day in Britain, and has already resulted in four deaths.
(Source: Daily Mail,英國使館文化教育處提供)