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從8月開始,美國共和黨和民主黨總統參選人電視辯論就拉開了帷幕。“川普”特朗普為代表的共和黨參選人和希拉里為代表的民主黨參選人都在辯論臺上直面對手(face off),上演一番唇槍舌戰。
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From left: Jim Webb, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Martin O'Malley and Lincoln Chafee at Tuesday night's Democratic debate in Las Vegas.(Agencies) |
在共和黨總統候選人辯論(Republican Presidential Debate)和民主黨總統候選人辯論(Democratic Presidential Debate)中,會有一位主持人(moderator)把控整個辯論的節奏。
第一步,介紹參與辯論的候選人(introducing the candidates to viewers in the United States and watching right now around the world)。介紹候選人的標準說法是職務+姓名,比如:Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton。
第二步,全體起立,現場奏唱國歌(all rise for the national anthem)。民主黨首場辯論請來9次格萊美獎獲得者Sheryl Crow現場演唱國歌。
第三步,介紹辯論流程和規則(explain the groundrules):主持人會提問、跟進問題,并引導參與者進行討論(ask questions, followups and guide the discussion);每位候選人有1分鐘的時間回答問題,另有30秒的時間補充回答或者進行反駁(each candidate will get one minute to answer questions, and 30 seconds for followups and rebuttals);若有候選人單獨被質疑或批評,則會得到相應的時間作回應(candidates will be given time to respond if they have been singled out for criticism)。
第四步,候選人2分鐘自我介紹(each candidate will have two minutes to introduce themselves)。
第五步,辯論開始(it is time to start the debate)。
到目前為止,共和黨兩場辯論加民主黨一場辯論涉及的議題包括經濟(economy)、移民(immigration)、氣候變化(climate change)、打擊伊斯蘭國(ISIS crackdown)、斯諾登,以及槍支管控(gun control)等。民主黨首場辯論中Bernie Sanders的一句“American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails”為希拉里的“郵件門”做了最好的辯護,同時也讓整場辯論回歸到常規主題。而在此前的共和黨第二輪辯論中,地產富豪“川普”表示要用自己賺錢的本事讓美國賺更多錢。他的原話是這樣說的:I've made billions and billions of dollars dealing with people all over the world, and I want to put whatever that talent is to work for this country so we have great trade deals, we make our country rich again, we make it great again.
Welcome. I'm .... Thanks for joining us.(開場)
Joining us on stage, please welcome...(介紹來賓)
Before we dive into the issues, I want to quickly explain some of the groundrules.(介紹規則)
Let's begin with...(辯論開始)
Well, that does it for this debate./That concludes this debate. (結束語)
On behalf of..., we want to thank...(表示感謝)
Let's look at the facts.(陳述事實)
Just let me just be clear. (闡明自己的觀點)
Let me just follow-up on that.(跟進討論)
Let me finish./I'm not done yet.(被打斷時,提醒對方)
I think everybody is in agreement that...(開篇闡明觀點)
Did you hear what I said? I have not changed on the issues. (對質疑作出回應)
There's no doubt about that.(表明觀點)
Let's talk about this a little bit.(進一步闡述)
I think that we have to look at the fact that...(陳述事實)
Let's understand that when we talk about..., you're talking about...(重申主題)
XXX, I want to bring you in here. My question for you is ...(引入第三方辯者)
Let me just respond to something XXX said.(對一方的提問作出回應)
Let's remember what was going on. (重申主題)
In terms of ..., this is what I think. (就某個議題表明觀點)
I agree 100 percent with XXX on the fact that...(支持某方觀點)
Here. Here.(引起主持人注意,要求發言)
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