rig: 暗箱操縱
[ 2006-03-21 10:34 ]
請看路透社的相關報道:Belarussian president Alexander Lukashenko looked set for re-election on Sunday but opponents called mass demonstrations for the evening against what they see as plans torigthe count.
報道中的rig the count可以用rig the poll或rig the election來替換,表示"操縱選舉"。Rig的英文釋義是to manipulate dishonestly for personal gain(為了個人利益而采取欺騙手段來操縱),由此,我們可以找到一系列的相關表達,如:rig the stock market(操縱股票市場);rig the quiz contest(在競賽中做手腳);rig the figures(偽造數字)。再來個例句以加深我們對rig的理解:She was prosecuted for rigging a car crash.(她因預謀一起撞車事故而受到起訴。)
值得一提的是,rig和out連用時表示"為…置辦衣物;打扮",如:She is rigged out like a Teddy bear(她打扮得像個玩具熊)。