[ 2006-08-07 14:22 ]

請看外電相關新聞報道:Paris Hilton says she is sick of boyfriends and iscelibate.
The 25-year-old who gained international fame when a former boyfriend posted a videotape of the couple having sex on the Internet denied leading a promiscuous lifestyle. "I'm not having sex for a year. ... I'll kiss, but nothing else," says Hilton, who told the magazine she has had sex with only two men during her lifetime.
日常,我們常用“single”或“bachelor”來描述自己目前的婚姻狀況——獨身未婚。不過,如果您要旗幟宣明告訴別人,你不想結婚,你是獨身主義者,“I am celibate”即可大派用場。
另外,順便提兩個短語:bachelor party(單身男子派對)——男性告別單身生涯之前,其單身好友為他舉辦的“單身送別會”;wedding shower(單身女子派對)——女孩子出嫁之前,為告別女生單身生活而舉辦的聚會。