[ 2006-12-08 15:48 ]

請看《中國日報》The oil productwholesale marketwill be open to domestic and foreign investors from next year, the Ministry of Commerce announced yesterday.
The wholesale business has long been monopolized by two State-owned conglomerates China Petrochemical Corp (Sinopec) and China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC). And the opening-up will bring in new entities including State-owned, multinational and private companies, which can invest in the sales of gasoline, diesel and kerosene to retailers.
報道中的“wholesale market”指“批發市場”。“Wholesale”在此做形容詞,表示“批發的”,如:wholesale price(批發價)、whole dealer(批發商)、wholesale business(批發業務)。
此外,wholesale也可用做副詞和動詞,分別指“以批發價、大批(購買)”、“成批出售”,看幾個例子:To buy goods wholesale(批量購進貨物)、to send out Christmas cards wholesale(大量寄送圣誕卡)、These pencils wholesale at 15 Yuan per dozen.(這種鉛筆批發售價每打15元。)
報道中所提到的“油”,“原油”常用“crude oil”來表示,而“成品油”則為“refined oil”。