(政府)救助: bailout
[ 2008-09-18 08:58 ]
美聯儲于周三早間宣布,將向AIG提供最多850億美元的緊急貸款,并獲得AIG 79.9%的股東權益。分析師認為,美聯儲救助AIG的做法有助于保護美國金融市場,降低經濟進一步受創的風險。
The government announced an $85 billion bailout of the huge insurer AIG in a bid to avoid further market upheaval.
上面的報道中,bailout是經濟學中的一個常見詞,a term used to describe a situation where a bankrupt or nearly bankrupt entity, such as a corporation or a bank, is given a fresh injection of liquidity, in order to meet its short term obligations, often by governments or consortia of investors(集團在面臨倒閉的情況下,由政府或投資財團提供短期資金注入以助其度過難關的情況,即“救助”),美聯儲向AIG提供的這筆貸款則叫做bridge loan(過渡貸款)或者emergency loan(緊急貸款)。
(英語點津 Helen 編輯)